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PHOTO GALLERY of Smoked Pork Products
Replies: 98
Devo » Fri Dec 09, 2011 14:57
First post
PHOTO GALLERY of Smoked Pork Products
Post your photos of Smoked Pork Products here (if your post does not contain a recipe).
Started curing 8 days ago.
12lbs. of pork belly
All rubbed down
After 7 days of cure hanging in the refer over night
After two hours of maple smoke...
Last post
I forgot the time you want us to come over? :lol:
- 98 Replies
Last post by redzed
Sat Sep 28, 2013 07:09
Nitrite and Bacon
Replies: 43
redzed » Sun Nov 02, 2014 19:27
First post
In my post above I provided a link to Stan's recipe for dry cured bacon:
Ingredients per 1000g (1 kg) of meat
salt 150 g (3%) 4.8 oz.
sugar 68 g (1.5%) 2.4 oz.
Cure #1 7.8 g 0.02 oz.
One of of our members has noted in a PM to me that the amount of nitrite (Cure #1) in the above formulation...
Last post
What will happen if eat it?
The Nitrate in the cure #2 will break down into nitrite over time. Cure #1 contains about 6.25% nitrite, and cure #2 contains 6.25% nitrite and 4% nitrate. So, your bacon is somewhat overdosed and contains a little over 1.6 times as much nitrate/nitrite.
It won't...
- 43 Replies
Last post by michi
Sun May 14, 2023 03:00
Curing Pork - Butterbean's Methods & Advice
Chuckwagon » Thu Jun 12, 2014 05:22
I would like to copy and paste a post or two by our fellow-member BUTTERBEAN in Georgia. Joe is a professional but way too much of a gentleman to blow his own horn . He would never brag... although his projects are some of the finest we've seen! So, we're bragging ABOUT him... and re-posting some...
- 0 Replies
Last post by Chuckwagon
Thu Jun 12, 2014 05:22
Replies: 58
redzed » Wed Feb 19, 2014 19:31
First post
Wędzonki is a Polish word encompassing smoked meats other than sausage. And that is what I made yesterday: ham, back bacon (aka in the US as Canadian bacon), St. Louis cut ribs, and ham bones. Todays menu will feature ham sandwiches for lunch and a rich thick bean soup on a ham bone for dinner. To...
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Long time i didn't show my 'wedzonki so it doesn't mean that I do nothing. My weekend play with them.
Around two weeks ago i put some meat to cure. equilibrium curing under vacuum - pork loins, hams, pork bellies - 18 g/kg of meat. Keep in mind that my salt mix contain 100 grams Cure #1 and 900...
- 58 Replies
Last post by StefanS
Tue Sep 05, 2023 02:29
Salted, smoked and cooked pork loin.
Replies: 5
jens49 » Thu Aug 24, 2023 20:17
First post
I need help on this one.
Making smoked cooked pork loin/kasseler or whatever.
Pork loin trimmed to filet. EQ salted at 1.8 % for around two weeks. Temperature < 5° C.
Dried a few days in the fridge before smoking for 90 minutes at approx. 45° C. Rested overnight and sous vide at 62° C for 2 hours....
Last post
Michi, you may be right. But there were no labels that said it was injected. Redzed recommended I inject some brine. S0?
It was bargain meat. But maybe a bad bargain...
- 5 Replies
Last post by jens49
Tue Aug 29, 2023 15:05
My Bologna has a 1st name...
Replies: 5
Bentley Meredith » Mon Jan 30, 2023 04:55
First post
Tried some Bologna with beef & pork. I love store bought bologna, but not a fan of this. I think impossible to get the emulsion the way it should be without buffalo chopper, and following someone else recipe and not knowing how much fat is in commercial product just to hard to know. Way to little...
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- 5 Replies
Last post by Bentley Meredith
Wed Feb 15, 2023 17:14
Swedish Ham
Replies: 4
TheMeatUpYYC » Wed Nov 23, 2022 15:48
First post
The Deli I work at caters to Scandinavian countries mainly but I am not of that lineage. One of the products on offer but rarely taken up is a “Swedish Ham”. Essentially an unsmoked ham. BUT specifically “Swedish” style. Any recipes I have seen all refer to cooking the ham, not manufacturing it....
Last post
Swedish ham is essentially what the British call gammon (brined fresh ham). What makes it Swedish is they spread an egg yolk and mustard all over and add bread crumbs and spices. They bake it and make an au jus for bread dipping. Finding an unsmoked, unsweetened, uncooked, brined ham where I live...
- 4 Replies
Last post by Links
Mon Dec 05, 2022 22:05
Taylor's Ham (aka Pork Roll)
Replies: 54
NorCal Kid » Wed Dec 19, 2012 15:07
First post
December is a crazy month for me at the church office, so between work and other obligations around the home (the Christmas Honey-Do list), I`ve had little or no time to make meats of the tubular variety.
But I had a chance this weekend to do some grinding & stuffing, so I asked the troops in my...
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Wow the edit interval is super short here, it wouldnt let me edit. So kinda a repeat with more info:
...I added the spices and mixed. Divided into two 10 lb batches and added the cultures. Stuffed and hang while FURN (my smoker) warmed up. At 150° I added the chubbs to FURN. 3 hrs later the...
- 54 Replies
Last post by Dave in AZ
Sat Sep 17, 2022 20:24
Polish style smoked ribs or wędzonki
Replies: 12
king kabanos » Tue Jun 02, 2015 18:06
First post
? i always wanted to make polish style smoked ribs. how do you make yours? how long did you keep in brine and also do you finish the ribs by poaching them or finished them by making them with sauerkraut for dinner? also i am trying to find a recipe for whole polish style smoked chicken but cant...
Last post
I got it. Thank you a lot, Sir!
- 12 Replies
Last post by bolepa
Sat Jun 18, 2022 19:11
Smoked leg ham
Replies: 2
michi » Tue Apr 19, 2022 00:28
First post
I made this over the weekend. It's nice and easy, and I don't have to wait for weeks before I get to eat it :)
Bought a leg roast at the butcher and removed the skin. This piece was 2.2 kg, and I used 1 l of brine.
Brine ingredients, per litre of brine:
1 l water
105 g Nitritpökelsalz or 10.5...
Last post
I have to admit that I have little experience with wet cures. I just followed a recipe I picked up elsewhere. I assume that leaving the ham in the brine longer will also make it saltier?
As far as I can tell, there are no issues with cure penetration on the one I made. Uniform pink throughout, so...
- 2 Replies
Last post by michi
Wed Apr 20, 2022 06:26
Replies: 3
Albertaed » Thu Aug 26, 2021 03:37
First post
Hey gang good to be back. My son is attempting to cure the back leg of a pig. He put it in a brine of 2.5 % salt 0.25% cure and isn’t sure how much brown sugar. He injected it with brine as well. The problem is he left it in for 18 days. Is it salvageable? I don’t have any experience with hams. I...
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I know that some try the equilibrium brine method but IMHO it's not safe and not effective. A 3% brine will not result in 3% salt content in the ham. Also the meat will not absorb the same amount of nitrite as is in the brine. 18 days is fine, but I'm not sure whether the ham was cure adequately....
- 3 Replies
Last post by redzed
Sat Sep 04, 2021 17:07
Bob K Inspired smoked pork loin
Replies: 5
Dumoine » Sat May 22, 2021 08:21
First post
After seeing Bob's post on cured pork loin, i decided to give it a try.
The recipe I used:
2.0% salt
0.5% sugar
0.25% cure #1
0.05% granular garlic
0.3% red pepper flakes
0.12% fennel seeds
5.0% fresh squeezed orange juice
Coarse ground black pepper to roll the loin in before smoking....
Last post
I tried the above recipe using pork tenderloin instead of pork loin.
As I mentioned in the previous post, I wanted to try adding the orange juice and fennel to the sous vide bag after the meat was smoked to see how it compares. After trying it both ways, I can say it is better to add the orange...
- 5 Replies
Last post by Dumoine
Tue Jun 22, 2021 01:33
Ham and Bacon
Replies: 5
Determined » Thu May 06, 2021 01:28
First post
Been a while since I have posted on here but like many others I have been lurking in the background soaking up knowledge.
Anyhow we got around to cutting up a few pigs again and I was hoping you could comment on what I have going for curing the hams and bacons.
It has been a while and I am...
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Hello jjnurk
Looks like some good eats you got going there.
Now you got me thinking.
I wonder if peppercorn's soaked in whiskey would work on that.
Or maybe some homemade Gin to impart a bit of Juniper flavor on it.
How are you doing in this heat. We have been 30 C+ all day and hit 32 C while we...
- 5 Replies
Last post by Determined
Wed Jun 02, 2021 23:40
Boneless Pork Loin - Kasseler Style
Replies: 19
redzed » Sun Jan 10, 2021 19:41
First post
Boneless Pork Loin - Kasseler Style
A Kasseler pork loin is a versatile and delicious way to serve a traditional meat and potatoes meal. It's an elegant comfort food and can be baked as a roast or cut into chops and grilled or fried. Siced thin and fried with eggs for breakfast is another...
Last post
Because this is not equilibrium brining, this method is not an exact science. Depending on the loin, 5 days in an 8% brine, then a good rinse and soak in cold water for an hour will also work. You could also pump it with 10% of the weight of the meast and 3 days in the brine after that. 8% brine...
- 19 Replies
Last post by redzed
Tue Mar 09, 2021 18:23
Replies: 10
Scogar » Tue Feb 23, 2021 22:26
First post
I deboned a pork shoulder and made tasso. I used Marianski's recipe . My only deviations were:
1. Granulated Garlic
2. Time, i.e., since it was equilibrium cured, I cut it one inch thick, and I wanted full penetration I let it cure for 5 days instead of 2
3. I dried it overnight in the...
Last post
As far as seasonings...Cajuns were poor people of the land. They either grew it or traded for it. They would not have used exotic spice blends because it would have been too expensive to buy. Salt, Salt peter, cayenne pepper, garlic, and black pepper (sparingly) those are the spices used in old...
- 10 Replies
Last post by Indaswamp
Wed Feb 24, 2021 19:28
Cold Smoke and Spoilage
Replies: 15
Scogar » Thu Feb 11, 2021 02:48
First post
Hypothetical - take a pork loin, ham, or bacon. Properly cure it, wet or dry, with salt and cure #1. Now the question, the intent is to cold smoke it for some period of time, and the ambient temp in the smoker hits about 90F due to solar radiation. I would imagine in the south US this could happen...
Last post
LOL Red, it should make you hungry since it was your exact recipe that I literally copied, but to restate it for others: . 1 whole pork loin
8% brine with sugar (72g salt and 8g Cure #1, 30g sugar) per litre of water
Spices (per litre)
6g peppercorns
6g whole coriander
1 bay leaf
4g crushed...
- 15 Replies
Last post by Scogar
Mon Feb 15, 2021 02:46
Smoked, brined pork loin
Replies: 1
nuynai » Sun Feb 07, 2021 19:03
First post
Hello, hope everyone is doing well in these times. Question I have is, I've done 5 lb pieces before but now will be doing 15 lbs, total. Do I need to triple the recipe formula or will one batch cover the total poundage. Will inject but just want to be on the safe side. Any help, much appreciated....
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My experience with liquid brines is that I simply want to have the meat completely submerged. The brine itself volumetrically would be at a specific percent...meaning .5 cup salt to 6 cups of brine or 8.3% (I'll let the more experienced out there confirm that my simple calculation is the correct...
- 1 Replies
Last post by Scogar
Sun Feb 07, 2021 19:42
CB Question
Replies: 7
sawhorseray » Fri Jan 29, 2021 16:04
First post
It's been quite some time since I've been around here, when Chuckwagon left in somewhat of a huff I followed him to support his new blog endeavor. I'm going to smoke up 15 pounds of pork loins in some Canadian bacon and am wondering if there's a different cure other than CW's. I've used his recipe...
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Last time I weighed a tablespoon of #1 cure it was 16.5 grams
- 7 Replies
Last post by redzed
Mon Feb 01, 2021 16:49
Argghh Forgot to inject the meat
Replies: 21
Scogar » Fri Jan 17, 2020 16:49
First post
I put a loin into a brine yesterday, making Chuckwagon's Canadian Bacon but I just realized that I forgot to inject it. I have no ability to do so now since I will be away. I have it submerged at 38° F and expected to do so for the 5 days. Can I simply let it rest for sufficient time and soak it in...
Last post
Thought I would cobble onto this same thread since I started it and I wanted to close out the conversation on injection.
Above, are images of the Canadian bacon I made which my wife loves. About the same time I also made a buckboard bacon. Both were recipes from Chuckwagon on the recipe post. As I...
- 21 Replies
Last post by Scogar
Mon Feb 10, 2020 14:37
Smoked Sweet Cured City Ham
Replies: 3
Butterbean » Sat Dec 14, 2019 22:45
First post
Had most of a pig to process less the wobbly bits and things got a little complicated with my mind wanting to go in so many directions so I just took a pause and went back to basics and used a method taught by my mentor and I also referred to Marianski's recipes to fill the voids in my memory. I...
Last post
Boiling helps cook the pork skin making it soft and easy to slice. It also seems to act like a sear on a steak because the hams seem to plump up and draw in moisture when they hit the boiling water. Don't know if that's the proper term but that's how it appears to me. Of course once it hits the...
- 3 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Tue Jan 21, 2020 13:17
Much Better than Ruhlman's
Replies: 13
Scogar » Fri Dec 06, 2019 14:45
First post
Now I started with the Charcuterie book and I'm not one to put down my first mentor. In fact I still like the book even with the errors, I just doublecheck things before I make them. But I never have been happy with the bacon recipe in it. Each time I made the bacon I found it very difficult if not...
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agreed, looks great
- 13 Replies
Last post by Scogar
Fri Jan 03, 2020 16:35
Formed ham
Replies: 2
Hankus » Tue Aug 20, 2019 15:44
First post
Just trying preformed ham with press mold. Using 2.5% salt 0.25% prague 1.mould is 120x120x330. Packing 2800 gr leg 25 mm cubes 30% grind. Seasonal and tumbled twice for 10 minutes Should I use absorbing acid Vitamin C. Any suggestions Am I doing anything wrong
Last post
A little high on your salt to my taste.
- 2 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Sat Dec 14, 2019 22:15
Replies: 2
Rick » Thu Nov 28, 2019 21:12
First post
I’m due to replenish my sawdust and my local butcher supply carries 40# bags. My choice would be hickory or mixed hardwood. Is there a strong feeling for one over the other? I’d be using it for sausage, Hicks, picnics, etc.
Last post
That I don't know, but I'll ask at purchase.
- 2 Replies
Last post by Rick
Fri Nov 29, 2019 17:08
[USA] Chuckwagon's Canadian Bacon
Replies: 36
Gray Goat » Mon Jan 24, 2011 20:17
First post
I am making canadian bacon for the first time with the following recipe. The amount of cure #1 seems like it's way too much but I wanted to get some answers from those with more experience. I don't know if the amount is so high because it's a wet cure?
Last post
It was a handy smoker and near about foolproof. I liked the design and think its similar to yours. The smoke box came in handy. Duel smokers like this were rare around here but I'm beginning to see more of them.
- 36 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Wed Mar 20, 2019 18:53
Replies: 8
Butterbean » Fri Feb 08, 2019 19:37
First post
Never made lachsschinken before and thought I'd give it a try. Couldn't find much information on it (in English) but what I did find varied considerably in how it was prepared. Many english recipes called for hot smoking and this seemed similar to making Canadian Bacon which I've made plenty of so...
Last post
No, I'm pretty sure it was something Stefan made. I may not have the name of the product right but it looked to be something very similar. Looked good anyway.
- 8 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Tue Feb 12, 2019 16:23
Dextros sub for sugar
Replies: 5
mski2 » Wed Oct 10, 2018 04:28
First post
Hi, Anyone know the ratio to substitute Dextrose for Sugar in a dry bacon cure ?
When I use sugar or honey I get burnt bacon, I had a recipe for cure with dextrose but it was way too salty and not measured by weight.
Last post
The dextrose is what's used to activate any friendly cultures in the cure, and the sugar is what feeds them long term. If you replace sugar with dextrose, you will reduce any long term culture development - for what it's worth.
- 5 Replies
Last post by Thewitt
Tue Dec 25, 2018 23:33
Ham is slimy after dry cure
Replies: 6
markizschnitzel » Thu Dec 20, 2018 20:12
First post
So, I bought a pork but (not really ham, I know :) )
Since it was meant to be cooked for easter, I only used regular salt, because my mother in law likes it that way. I used 6-7% salt. I wraped it in cling film, and stored it in the fridge.
I turned it every few days for the first 2 weeks.
Left it...
Last post
I'm sursprised that the pork butt would have spoiled if you used 6-7% salt. That is a lot. Bu if you were intending to smoke it and cook it, there was no need to keep it in the salt that long. It was ready after a few days. If you are going to smoke cuts like that the way, in my opinion is to brine...
- 6 Replies
Last post by redzed
Sat Dec 22, 2018 18:24
Replies: 52
Maxell » Sat Mar 12, 2011 19:13
First post
Photo by Siara :grin:
Last post
Since leaving Photobucket I use Imgur. It's super easy and fast compared to all the others.
- 52 Replies
Last post by redzed
Sat Dec 22, 2018 18:07
Baleron (Polish Smoked Pork Shoulder)
Replies: 63
Baconologist » Thu Apr 19, 2012 19:33
First post
Does anyone know the recipe and procedure for making Polish Baleron (Smoked Pork Shoulder)?
It's mentioned by the Marianski's in the Home Production book but without detail.
Many of the pictures I'm able to find look like Cottage (or Daisy) Ham.
Last post
Polish critics say it doesn't taste like baleron but rather like szynka (ham).
Geez, if you take a pork cut, cure it and smoke it, of course it will taste like ham . Baleron is also known on this side of the pond as cottage ham . Right below it is the picnic portion of the shoulder and you could...
- 63 Replies
Last post by redzed
Thu Nov 22, 2018 02:58
Smoked Ribs (and sauerkraut)
Replies: 2
redzed » Tue Nov 06, 2018 07:46
First post
This years 65lbs sauerkraut is ready and few dishes can stand up to smoked ribs stewed in kraut and served over boiled potatoes! I smoked 3 racks of side ribs after brining them in an 8% brine infused with rosemary, garlic and sugar. Brined for 3 days, soaked in cold water for 1 hour, dried...
Last post
It is heavy! I have it on heavy-duty casters so that we can move it around and transfer from the garage to the laundry room and then back to the garage again. The sauerkraut is now finished and transferred to plastic pails and into a fridge.
- 2 Replies
Last post by redzed
Wed Nov 07, 2018 08:18
My Bacon Smoke
Replies: 32
Kijek » Tue Feb 13, 2018 00:03
First post
Ok my pork belly is done curing, soaked & rinsed. Cut a piece and tried very good with 2.5% salt & #1cure not too salty.
Got hanging in window in garage and will cold smoke for 6 hours tomorrow and taste again.
More pics tomorrow as the story unfolds with my cardboard box & A-Maze-N smoker tray.
Last post
The equilibrium curing, couldn't think of the name, but yes that is what I unusually do in vac bags.
However, I really like your idea about the ziplock bags a water, thing I'm gonna switch over to that method tomorrow.
As far as correct amount of cure and salt, I weighted the meat, then...
- 32 Replies
Last post by Kijek
Wed Jun 27, 2018 19:05
[USA] Making Prosciuitti (Italian Prosciutto Ham)
Replies: 4
Chuckwagon » Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:11
First post
Chuckwagon`s Pistolero Proscuitto
Italian Prosciutto Ham - (Injected - Dry-Cured) 25 lb. Recipe
Dry-curing prosciutti requires selection, cutting, trimming, salting, curing, overhauling, equalizing, resting, smoking, and drying. (Whew!) A prosciutto ham is made from a hog`s rear leg and it...
Last post
Thanks for the help,I'm going to keep looking.
- 4 Replies
Last post by cathouse willy
Mon Jun 04, 2018 22:23
Stupid Question about bacon....
Replies: 3
65valiantwin » Sun Feb 11, 2018 23:08
First post
Hi guys/girls,
Relatively new to all of this, but i'm looking at trying to make some bacon with a basic salt/sugar/water brine then cold smoke. I m trying to replicate store bought bacon...
My question is (and i'm sure it's stupid), is Cure #1 needed if i'm just smoking it for a few hours for...
Last post
I just finished a bacon that was my first one in a very long time.
So, with that being said, I do believe and someone correct me if I'm wrong.
But you can't reproduce that stuff from the supermarket.
What we do here is create the best old time flavors not duplicate todays crap.
Hang in there, I...
- 3 Replies
Last post by Kijek
Sat Feb 17, 2018 06:02
salt percentage for brining
Replies: 8
fatboyz » Wed Jan 10, 2018 02:17
First post
I want to brine cure some ribs and belly. I have a salinity meter as in the past I was guessing and it was too salty.Is there a general guideline for percent salt in equilibrium brining?
Last post
The problem here is that with such a low percentage of salt, you will need a longer period of time for the salt to penetrate the meat and equalize to the point that it will have the same salt content as the brine. Might be fine for smaller pieces such as pork tenderloin, but it would take weeks for...
- 8 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Sat Jan 13, 2018 19:20
Ham Cure?
Replies: 5
Laftpig » Thu Jan 11, 2018 01:32
First post
I am attempting my first ham cure with a Picnic, bone in.
This is the recipe I followed by BobK
Sweetheart Ham
Equilibrium Cure
Enough Rub for 10 lbs.
White sugar 50 grams
Brown Sugar 50 grams
Red Pepper Flakes 1 Tbsp.
Black Pepper 1 tsp
Fennel cracked 1 tsp
Thyme 1 tsp
Ground Bay...
Last post
I won`t be poaching or using sous vide. I just plan on curing, smoking, and finishing in the oven. I`m not a big proponent of sous vide. It takes to long to cook anything. It has it`s place in cooking but not meats, IMO. Yes it does produce a great texture in meats but lacks the flavor...
- 5 Replies
Last post by Laftpig
Fri Jan 12, 2018 15:49
My Sweetheart ham
Replies: 7
fatboyz » Sun Jan 07, 2018 00:43
First post
Hey fellas. Just finished some sweetheart ham. I used Butterbean's recipe and a full loin I had from the hog I butchered in Nov.
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Thanks fatz, yeah it does get mighty cold up your way... A LOL
Funny I've been hearing more and more about this sous-verd, I unstand it and how it works, but never though about applying it to some of the things we do in here.
May have to look into this more.
- 7 Replies
Last post by Kijek
Sun Jan 07, 2018 19:51
[USA] Makin' Bacon
Replies: 137
Dave Zac » Sun Apr 25, 2010 20:36
First post
I started an 8.5 pound pork belly this morning for homemade honey maple pepper bacon. It will cure all week and I will smoke it with Hickory next Saturday. The maple syrup was made by me in February, the honey is from a local friend's apiary.
This is the belly cut in half and ready to rub
Last post
My first attempt in 20 some odd years in making bacon and I must say, using the different techniques and proportions, turned out great! Did 4 slabs @ 5lbs a piece, 2 were dry cured using more sugar on one, less on the other and 2 slabs in a brine, with a combo of juniper berries, bay leaves and...
- 137 Replies
Last post by jjnurk
Tue Jan 02, 2018 15:41
Sweetheart Ham
Replies: 27
Fusion5567 » Sat Jan 21, 2017 19:32
First post
Reading through the forum yesterday and came across Sweetheart Ham recipe posted by Butterbean.
I had just bought a pack of 2 very nice pork sirloin roasts weighing about 1 kilo each and decided to give it a try, cooked up the brine, let it cool and put everything in a plastic tub and into a...
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Looks good Bob, in fact I picked up several half loins yesterday (at Walmart ) I was going to use the meat for mixing with venison, but I'll do one using your recipe. The only thing that I'll do different is to poach it to an IT of 140.
- 27 Replies
Last post by redzed
Sun Dec 17, 2017 17:46
Another bacon thread - but mine!
Replies: 7
Bumper » Mon May 29, 2017 06:12
First post
I have a nice 3.5kg batch of bacon on the go, using Michael Ruhlman's bacon recipe.
bacon recipe
Last post
It cooked up and tasted great, and 3 days later I am still here, so all good. I was intending to give some to the folks, but the grey color will make this batch house bacon I think.
- 7 Replies
Last post by Bumper
Sun Jun 11, 2017 23:54
equilibrium cured, sous vide VS. brined and poached
Replies: 3
StefanS » Thu Jun 08, 2017 02:12
First post
I have made experiment. I had that idea for some time but 2 weeks ago got it working.
similar pieces - 2 of pork loin, 2 cuts of pork butt, 2 of pork belly. 3 pieces vs. 3 pieces.
days of curing - 3 in brine - and 3 in equilibrium curing locked in vac pouches.
night before smoking i have removed...
Last post
Stefan, great post with a lot of of information for all of us to consider. Excellent example demonstrating the many different ways we can prepare whole muscle meats. I was particularly interested in the sous vide vs. poaching results. I have never tried using sous vide for thermal processing of...
- 3 Replies
Last post by redzed
Sat Jun 10, 2017 05:11
Smoking Bacon.... Taste like Ashtray
Replies: 18
STICKSTRING » Wed May 28, 2014 18:26
First post
Hey guys and gals,
I had a smoking question for you all. I just made some bacon, turned out pretty good. After I removed from cure I washed off and placed on rack in fridge overnight to air dry . The following evening I got the Bradley smoker going with apple wood bisquets and was able to keep the...
Last post
You don't have to bring your bacon temp up to 138, etc.
If the smoke is too much, simply reduce the time in the smoker.
You may only need 30 mins in your small Bradley with the wood puck, is hose Bradleys are very small and a little smoke from them goes a long way. Smoke is simply particles in the...
- 18 Replies
Last post by harleykids
Thu Jun 01, 2017 00:29
Bacon question...
Replies: 10
harleykids » Wed May 31, 2017 05:37
First post
Hey guys, Chris, Bob, Butterbean, etc.
Question for you all...
I have been making my own bacon for quite a long time, using a base cure consisting of cure #1 at .25% (.0025), 3% kosher salt (.03), and 1-1.5% (.01) brown sugar. Then I add any spices I want. I cure in ziplock bags in fridge for...
Last post
Thanks guys, I will continue making bacon the same way as I have been for years, but will reduce my cure #1 % to .192% as suggested.
- 10 Replies
Last post by harleykids
Thu Jun 01, 2017 00:18
Loin "Ham" - Orange Fennel
Replies: 2
Bob K » Fri May 05, 2017 17:09
First post
Yet another flavor with a hint of citrus.
Salt 2.5%
Sugar .5%
Cure #1 .32%
coat with
Granular Garlic
Red Pepper Flakes
Cover with Orange slices
Equilibrium cure - vac sealed or baggie . 2-3 weeks.
Cook until 152° F or I used souse vide for 3.25 hours at 145°f , start timing...
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That looks perfect and the color is great.
- 2 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Fri May 05, 2017 18:17
Busy morning My "Bacon of the world"
Replies: 2
fatboyz » Sat Apr 22, 2017 14:32
First post
I recently put up two loins into Speck. It has another month to dry yet. That's my German bacon, I also started a Pancetta with half a belly slab. (Italian bacon) I put up a cured loin today for Canadian bacon, and brined the the other half slab for regular bacon, (I'm Calling it American bacon!)....
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I had a 5lb bag of Halfords Maple Bacon Brine and I'm not sure if they used #1 or #2? I ordered it by mistake, I thought it was maple flavoring. I plan to finish it to 155IT in the smoker.
- 2 Replies
Last post by fatboyz
Sat Apr 22, 2017 18:05
Replies: 18
Bob K » Tue Mar 21, 2017 19:18
First post
How about a Ham-O-Collo? Anyways not my idea but it is good!
Basically a Coppa flavored city ham. Made from Pork Loin.
Salt 2.5%
Sugar .5%
Cure #1 .25%
Garlic .25%
White Pepper .5%
Cayenne .25%
Cumin .25%
Paprika .25%
Ground Bay leaves .25%
Equilibrium cure - vac sealed or baggie . 2-3...
Last post
Threw one of the 5# loins in the sous-vide Saturday to be ready for Sunday's dinner. Cooked for 4 hrs at 145°. Force-chilled in a ice water bath directly after, and the sliced. Screw-up #1 was not getting it cold enough. Meat was still a touch warm when slicing, so that didn't work very well. Next...
- 18 Replies
Last post by Sleebus
Mon Apr 17, 2017 13:32
More on Brining
Replies: 10
Butterbean » Wed Feb 01, 2017 16:57
First post
Split from
Sorry Butterbean for confusing you. First at all my mistake for nitrates - it should be nitrite - like sodium nitrite in Cure #1. Then - meat curing in brine - 95% of meat used in wedzonki is cured in brine. During preparations to do that we (means polish sausage makers) considering...
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Another difference I guess is I use sugars quite often in brines because people here tend to enjoy sugar cured products and this really sets the meat apart from what you can buy at the grocery store. I'll use a lot of brown sugar, honey, molasses and ribbon cane syrup.
What % do you use by...
- 10 Replies
Last post by Sleebus
Mon Mar 27, 2017 15:02
Canadian Sausage
Replies: 3
unclebuck » Fri Mar 24, 2017 01:46
First post
Truly Canadian Sausage
2 lb pork loin, cubed and ground
1/2 lb naturally smoked bacon, ground
1/4 cup pure Canadian maple syrup
1/4 cup Canadian beer
2 tsp sage, finely chopped
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp cracked black pepper
1 tsp whole fennel seed
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1/4 cup fresh parsley,...
Last post
Sounds like a fun recipe! Might be worth having on a weekend breakfast menu. :grin: Is the omission of salt a dietary thing or just not necessary? And is the bind not compromise if there is no salt in mix?
I also questioned the lack of salt as a binder. However upon having had some, I think that...
- 3 Replies
Last post by unclebuck
Fri Mar 24, 2017 18:44
Nitrite Nitrate free cold smoked Bacon?
Replies: 20
Fingers » Thu Oct 06, 2016 17:35
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Hi Guys
I am making bacon using only salt @5% sealed in the bag fridge curing for 7-10 days style. Then kept in the fridge to dry, till its been eaten.
I want to do this simply due to the possible health risks of the Nitrite Nitrate and feel that there is little risk in leaving it out. I feel sure...
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I agree and in the USA its also illegal to make it without cure 1.
It sounds like you made what we call salt pork. Its too salty to eat more than a small slice. Its used in small quantities to season greens which may simmer in water for hours before eating and this long cooking process eventually...
- 20 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Sat Oct 15, 2016 13:31
Replies: 3
charcoal junkie » Sun Sep 25, 2016 22:15
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I just purchased 28lbs of pork belly I plan on curing and cold smoking. I was wondering if anyone has tried Sassafras as there smoke source? I have corn cob pellets, Apple pellets, cherry pellets, and beech pellets. I also have apple, cherry, pecan, and hickory wood chips. What do u guys reccomend?
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I use a little mixed with hickory. You do NOT want to use much, it will impart a very strong taste. I particularly like it when smoking hams.
- 3 Replies
Last post by K98 AL
Wed Sep 28, 2016 13:32
cheap pork loin
Replies: 10
udaman » Thu Mar 10, 2016 01:29
First post
hello everyone. i picked up some loin today and would like to make
some back bacon. have looked at several threads and can't decide
on a dry cure or a brine. first time doing this so any ideas or suggestions
would be greatly appreciated.
ps and favourite recipe
Last post
udaman! Congrats on the loin! Glad to hear that it was a hit!
- 10 Replies
Last post by redzed
Mon Jul 04, 2016 20:35
Spring Bacon
Replies: 12
Butterbean » Tue Mar 29, 2016 22:46
First post
Don't know how this will turn out but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Was making bacon today and decided to do something different and use some of the things growing around that are in season. Collected some wild chives, kumquats and rosemary and added this to the cure mix. Smells pretty...
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Excellent looking bacon with just the meat/fat ratio that I like. Makes my mouth water!
- 12 Replies
Last post by redzed
Tue Apr 26, 2016 06:57
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