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Salceson Delikatesowy – Deli Style Headcheese
redzed » Tue Dec 12, 2023 04:35
Salceson Delikatesowy – Deli Style Headcheese.
This is a deli style salceson (head cheese stuffed into a casing) made with 2 large ham hocks, 2 beef tongues and additional defatted pork skins. Meats were cured in an 8% brine for 7 days, rinsed with cold water, and soaked in fresh water overnight....
- 0 Replies
Last post by redzed
Tue Dec 12, 2023 04:35
- 2 Replies
Last post by wkw
Tue Mar 15, 2022 17:08
Kiszka Pasztetowa - Liver Pate Sausage
Replies: 1
redzed » Tue Jan 25, 2022 05:26
First post
Kiszka Pasztetowa - Liver Pate Sausage
Kiszka Pasztetowa is a mild tasting and spreadable liver pate sausage. Excellent on a sandwich or a cracker and popular on the breakfast table in Poland.
Recipe for 1kg of meat
Lean pork 300g
Pork jowl 300g
Fresh pork liver 300g
Pork skins 100g...
Last post
Looks great Chris!
- 1 Replies
Last post by fatboyz
Thu Jan 27, 2022 05:10
Salceson - Polish Headcheese
Replies: 95
redzed » Mon Oct 01, 2012 20:18
First post
Made some salceson. Ended up with 5 lbs of finished product. No snouts or head meat here. Used pork feet, hock, a couple of tongues and some pork trimmings. Semi froze the skins and then chopped them fine since I did not want to wash the grinder after using it for such a small amount. Cured...
Last post
Just a few days ago fatboyz posted pictures of his salceson and it looked like it was cased in a similar type of casing. Maybe he can chime in here and explain how he made his. Double check whether your casing was moisture proof. You may not have stuffed and sealed your casings tightly enough or...
- 95 Replies
Last post by Lorenzoid
Sat Oct 30, 2021 22:46
Head Cheese and hotdogs on a rainy Saturday.
Replies: 9
fatboyz » Sat Oct 23, 2021 13:49
First post
Just like Reds last post on Polish Headcheese Turns out its a rainy day here too. Head, hocks and feet have been in the Cure for 5 days now. Using Marianski's Traditional headcheese recipe.
Also have 13 kg of hotdogs to make. No wild game yet, been a slow season so far. I will be using 50% class 1...
Last post
While I roasted a leg of lamb for supper I jarred up the Kraut.
- 9 Replies
Last post by fatboyz
Mon Oct 25, 2021 01:13
Kaszanka - Polish Blood Sausage
Replies: 32
redzed » Fri Aug 07, 2015 06:59
First post
Once in a while I am overcome with a desire for something that I haven't eaten in a while and for some reason I have been wanting a bit of kaszanka (also known as Kiszka Kaszana ). My dad used to make it at home now and then and it usually resulted in a traffic jam on our street with his Polish and...
Last post
Thx guys. Not sure if it is strained or not but will soon see :D .
- 32 Replies
Last post by jjnurk
Mon Feb 01, 2021 13:34
Head Cheese
Replies: 11
Butterbean » Sat Dec 14, 2019 19:39
First post
Been processing a pig - all except the wobbly bits anyway and ended up making some head cheese using Mr. Marianski's recipe where you cure the head in a strong brine for seven days. This recipe didn't call for any citrus or vinegar like most head cheeses I've made in the past. Not saying this is...
Last post
Yes, I've use the stock every time I've boiled a pig head. There's nothing like it. Well, half a head is the way I do it. A full head would create a lot of stock - but it seems like you are always cooking for a crowd. I've frozen the stock at times, but never canned it. Great idea.
- 11 Replies
Last post by Cabonaia
Sun Dec 22, 2019 01:52
[USA] Braunschweiger - Liver Sausage
Replies: 39
Butterbean » Tue Mar 27, 2012 15:58
First post
Since I have recently been slaughtering some hogs I ended up with a lot of offal meats that needed a home. Thankfully, Debi at Deejay's Smoke Pit shared this recipe with me and I found it delicious and is a perfect sausage for those who don't like too strong a liver taste. I can't really describe...
Last post
I'm wondering it the reason some recipes call for cooked liver is too make the product more spreadable. The cooked proteins wouldn't be binding the the fats and water, so it's more of a pate in texture then a cooked sausage?
That makes sense.
- 39 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Mon Dec 16, 2019 20:13
Know How my Wife Feels when She's Out Shopping
Replies: 3
Rick » Fri Dec 06, 2019 18:01
First post
Just came home from my favorite small slaughter house with some goodies. 51.9# box of skinned jowls, whole hogs head (split), fresh hocks, skin, back fat, 1/2 gallon of blood (pig), 14# tongues, 7# snouts, couple of hearts, kidneys, and lungs. Only thing I left behind was the sequel. The sausage...
Last post
I've got a pig and a large deer in the works. No wobbly bits but broken down into major parts. It gets confusing as I have to worry about efficiency with my time lately and I'd like to prepare everything with one dance with the smokehouse. I'm trying to time everything so it will all be ready for...
- 3 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Sun Dec 08, 2019 23:32
Braunschweiger with Light Smoke
Replies: 1
Rick » Thu Dec 05, 2019 15:35
First post
I've been reading up on making Braunschweiger and it seems the recipes call for light smoke. I'd like to ask what casing you're using for this product?
I've used
and according to the description, this casing is impervious to smoke, yet this is the casing I see on all the Braunschweiger offered...
Last post
While they do make sewn bungs and other specialty casing for Wursts you can just use a fibrous casing if you want to smoke it. You can still poach with no problems. As far as the commercial products in plastic casings with is of the liquid variety and added to the mince.
- 1 Replies
Last post by Bob K
Thu Dec 05, 2019 16:17
Smoked Liver Sausage and Cure #1
Replies: 10
Scogar » Wed Oct 16, 2019 18:40
First post
I plan to make a liver sausage. I haven’t worked out the formula yet but likely will use Marianski’s ratios, i.e., liver 25-30%, fat 20-40%, and meat 30-40%. The liver will be venison liver and the meat/fat will probably be Wright Brand Bacon. I will assess the meat/fat ratio of the bacon and...
Last post
Here is a link to a thread where I made some. This turned out fairly creamy so you might glean a few things from this thread.
- 10 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Sun Oct 20, 2019 17:52
Blood Sausage
Replies: 16
Kijek » Fri Feb 23, 2018 18:54
First post
My wife is going out to dinner with her girlfriends, so I can finally eat my Kishka. :grin:
Last post
Thank you very much, just got home and does it feel good.
Gonna relax and chat with all.
- 16 Replies
Last post by Kijek
Wed Feb 28, 2018 20:31
Another 2 recipes wanted - Blood Sausage & Liver sausage
Replies: 10
BlueMonkey » Tue Oct 25, 2016 14:16
First post
Hi All.
I have been lucky enough to source an organic pig farmer who provides me meat the last friday of every month, and all parts of the pig I require ( lungs / blood / snouts / liver etc).
This Friday will be my next delivery. Already in the freezer I have several heads/jowls/...
Last post
Congrats Tony! For a first go at a fairly complicated and labour intensive product you did great! I know you put a lot work and did a lot of research to make the kaszanka. I sure would like a couple right now to throw on my grill. Did you have someone helping you with the clean up?
- 10 Replies
Last post by redzed
Mon Nov 07, 2016 15:53
Smoked Beef Tongue
Replies: 9
redzed » Fri Sep 26, 2014 06:44
First post
I prepared two smaller beef tongues based on the recipe posted by Maxell here:
The tongues are first brined then poached, cased and cold smoked.
Prepare brine:
2 litres water
200g salt
50g sugar
3 tbs Cure # 1
2tbs whole coriander
2tbs whole black pepper
dozen juniper berries
2 large bay...
Last post
That looks like a nice blend of spices for the brine, and it is a big load of salt. I hope you post the results. I would use less salt and brine a lot longer than 4 or 5 days. It takes a lot longer for tongue to absorb the salt and spices than a regular cut of meat. First you have the skin which is...
- 9 Replies
Last post by redzed
Fri Oct 28, 2016 18:00
Le fromage de tete
Replies: 4
redzed » Thu Feb 25, 2016 06:47
First post
When I visited France last year one of the most memorable and tasty charcuterie products I tried was a rolled head cheese garnished with a vinaigrette that we bought in a shop in Nantes. Ever since I had been dreaming about it and researching French head cheese products. Yesterday I made my own...
Last post
I will post the recipe tomorrow. No vinegar in the headcheese, but rather some lemon juice. It is eaten with a vinaigrette made with white wine vinegar and mustard. (that relish-looking stuff, Bob) :lol:
- 4 Replies
Last post by redzed
Fri Feb 26, 2016 05:55
Beef Liver Pate
Replies: 6
Butterbean » Fri Dec 25, 2015 08:51
First post
For the holidays I thought I'd make some pate. Have made it in the past but never really made any that really suited my taste. Always too gritty or to livery so I tried to learn from the past and make something that better. Ended up making this concoction and it turned out really good. So good that...
Last post
Thanks. I think its pretty worthy. Everyone whose tasted it loves it. Evil people who aren't crazy about liver. I can't wait to try this with some venison.
Evil people? Freudian slip? :lol: :lol:
:oops: :oops: Even is what I meant. I think my computer is possessed!
- 6 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Tue Dec 29, 2015 00:21
Make some blood sausage!
Replies: 2
redzed » Fri Oct 23, 2015 21:22
First post
Last week I visited a country abattoir and inquired about getting some blood for kaszanka. The owner informed me that all I had to do was phone ahead and he will save me some fresh blood, and that he almost always has some frozen on hand. So that solves my blood problem!
Then today I came across...
Last post
Thanks for sharing the link. I like that recipe. Now you went and got me started! I love morcella and have made it several times. I made some a couple months ago, and have a few tips and observations.
- It is very easy to make, but when it comes to filling the casings, it's nice to have help from...
- 2 Replies
Last post by Cabonaia
Sat Oct 24, 2015 01:46
Replies: 3
jens49 » Thu Jan 29, 2015 15:43
First post
Have a question about the emulsifying stage in Jeffs Liverwurst . And other emusified products.
Most authors explain that it is necessary to keep the temperature low (under 15 C) when emulsifying.
My question is: should I raise the temperature in my Kitchen mixer by letting it Work long enough to...
Last post
I can't figure out why yours turned darker after cutting into it, when mine didn't darken a bit. Did you used raw or cooked liver? Maybe that made a difference, I don't know. Maybe other forum members might know.
I agree - why not keep the emulsion good and cold.
I'll be interested to hear about...
- 3 Replies
Last post by Cabonaia
Sat Jan 31, 2015 05:40
Braunschweiger and onion
Replies: 6
Rick » Mon Nov 24, 2014 15:54
First post
Need a tip from those of you who have recently made some Braunschweiger. I see Rytek's recipe calls for 5 T. of granulated onion per 10#. Another recipe I have calls for 2-3 small onions diced, although I believe this is for 25#.
What has been your experience when it comes to adding onion?...
Last post
Many thanks Ross for sharing the recipe, it's on my list!
- 6 Replies
Last post by Rick
Tue Nov 25, 2014 04:06
[USA] Chicken Liver Pate'
Replies: 16
Cabonaia » Sat Aug 25, 2012 02:11
First post
Hey CW, liver's on!
Chicken Liver Pate
1 lb chicken livers
1 medium size onion, chopped
1 - 2 tsp minced garlic (depending on how much you like garlic)
8 oz unsalted butter, divided into 2 portions (less for creamier texture, more for stiffer texture)
½ tsp salt
1 - 2 bay...
Last post
When I was a kid working for the A&P my boss said, Ross for how much are we selling wings? .29/pound. And how much for breast? .69/pound. STOP leaving so much meat on the wings.
- 16 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Thu Nov 20, 2014 23:20
Rytek's Liverwurst with Tripe
Replies: 5
Rick » Fri Nov 14, 2014 23:58
First post
I see Rytek's recipe for Liverwurst calls for pork liver, snouts and beef tripe. Once in a while I've stumbled on his recipes and found that he calls for some really strange cuts of meat, like the beef tripe!
I do have a source for the tripe, but was wondering if there is some other beef cut that...
Last post
Thanks Bob and Jeff for your input. The reason for my questions are that a niece who raises her families pork each year, always requests the heart, liver, head, hocks, etc. for Uncle Rick. So now I've got a small box of pork offal.
Since I just finished up my headcheese, I'm looking for something...
- 5 Replies
Last post by Rick
Sun Nov 16, 2014 18:04
Jeff's extra fatty extra spreadable liverwurst
Replies: 17
Cabonaia » Fri Oct 03, 2014 01:45
First post
Here is a liverwurst that came out very tasty so I thought I would share it. My aim was to make a very rich, spreadable liverwurst. I've made braunschweiger a few times and I liked it, but it was pretty firm. This time around, it had to mush around on a cracker in a luxurious sort of way or I would...
Last post
Rick - that's correct. It is worth noting that the Cure Calculator includes this statement: The FDA limit for nitrites is 200 Parts per Million. However, for comminuted meat (sausages) the limit is 156 ppm.
- 17 Replies
Last post by Cabonaia
Wed Nov 05, 2014 17:30
kaszanka pics
Replies: 2
king kabanos » Tue Nov 04, 2014 20:21
First post
This is a recipe is from stans book and here are some pictures of some kaszanka. i think its dziadek one or krulewska recipe.
this pic is right after being stuffed
some kaszanka hanging right about to be poached
now all finished and done
Last post
dzienkuje za stowa uznania!!!nope red zed learned everything by myself thanks to reading stanley marianski books. And also cant wait to go to the school next year becuase i will be visiting my grandma in warsaw and learn a lot from the professionals out there. Also next up will be some parowki with...
- 2 Replies
Last post by king kabanos
Wed Nov 05, 2014 16:47
Headcheese Help
Replies: 25
Rick » Tue Sep 30, 2014 21:38
First post
I followed Rytek's recipe for his 10# headcheese recipe. I also did the meat cure using the 2 1/2 gal. of water, 2 1/2 lbs. salt, 12 oz. cane sugar and 4 oz. cure. Heated this all up to dissolve the ingredients and let it cool in the fridge til the next day before putting the meat in for 3 days.
Last post
Thanks redzed. Oh pics, another whole new challenge! LOL
- 25 Replies
Last post by Rick
Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:26
Pork Tongue and Snouts
Replies: 16
Rick » Tue Sep 23, 2014 18:33
First post
Went to my local Vietnamese meat market yesterday and picked up 5# of pork tongue for $1.99 lb., then I scooted over to my little grocery store that caters to the local Mexican population to get me 5# of snouts for $1.29 lb. Got em soaking in Rytek's headcheese brine now. I've ordered a pig head...
Last post
Rick - that makes sense. I think that sometimes in the past I have not paid enough attention to boiling down the stock until it reached a good consistency when jelled.
- 16 Replies
Last post by Cabonaia
Tue Sep 30, 2014 04:35
Headcheese Recipe
Replies: 5
Rick » Fri Sep 26, 2014 23:58
First post
I took a look at the recipe section of this forum, and didn't see anything for headcheese. I probably will just follow Rytek's. I notice it doesn't call for any garlic, and as a very big fan of garlic, I'm just going to have to add some anyway. Looking over the Rytek recipe I see three ingredients...
Last post
Ahh! The Joys of an internet search. Just misspell haedchease and you will come up blank. The right key words only. :shock:
- 5 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Sat Sep 27, 2014 02:58
Heavenly Souse
Replies: 36
Butterbean » Sun Feb 24, 2013 00:00
First post
I just pulled this chub from the cooler and I have to say it is pretty good.
What I did, was boil a head down in salty water with the appropriate amount of cure 1 for about 2 hours till the meat pulled.
Pulled the meat from the skull. Skinned the tongue. Ended up with just under 10 lbs of...
Last post
I also add cure to my head cheese and not to cure it but for the colour. All I add is a tablespoon or tablespoon and a half, per three of four litres and and that is enough to do the trick. After reading this thread again it makes me want to make a nice head cheese. :lol: Wiil have to start...
- 36 Replies
Last post by redzed
Wed Sep 24, 2014 02:40
Beef liver
Replies: 3
Cabonaia » Fri Sep 05, 2014 15:59
First post
Does anybody have experience using beef liver in fresh or cooked sausage, or lunch meats? I am talking about beef liver, not calve's liver. I have a good deal of beef liver on hand and my family does not like it's strong taste. I don't want to just feed it to the chickens, and I'll never eat it all...
Last post
Hi Redzed - thanks for the advice. I think that is what I'll do (25% beef liver) - no need to translate that recipe you mentioned. Thanks for offering!
- 3 Replies
Last post by Cabonaia
Fri Sep 05, 2014 20:06
Our "Members' Recipes Index"
Chuckwagon » Fri Jun 20, 2014 08:17
Find our Member`s Recipe Index at this link:
Don`t miss hundreds of favorite sausage-making recipes! Ham, bacon, and whole muscle meat recipes are here too. Make your own meat products for BIG flavor! Make your own to save big bucks too! All recipes in this forum are tried and true ! They have...
- 0 Replies
Last post by Chuckwagon
Fri Jun 20, 2014 08:17
Salceson with lemon
Replies: 6
redzed » Tue Feb 11, 2014 00:17
First post
Made a couple of salcesony yesterday. Had leftover hocks in freezer, bought a set of trotters and threw in a huge beef tongue. Simmered everything for three hours in a broth flavoured with bay leaves, garlic, onion, peppercorns and a tablespoon of Cure 1 for the colour. Deboned everything,...
Last post
Jimbo, you don't know what you are missing! :lol: Both are nearly gone, and they weighed nearly ten pounds!
- 6 Replies
Last post by redzed
Tue Feb 18, 2014 08:14
Replies: 6
Cabonaia » Mon Jan 27, 2014 03:21
First post
Hi all - I made some souse.
I started with half a pig head.
I boiled the head along with the other meats/organs till the meat fell off the bones, separated the meat and chilled the broth. Then I scraped the fat off the chilled, gelatinized broth, and added in:
Chopped head meat
Chopped heart...
Last post
Oh and I forgot to add - can't beat it with some sweet mustard. The spice, vinegar, tart/sweet mustard, herbs and garlic together get all your taste buds singing.
Crusty - Nice idea about the gherkins and colored peppers - I will do that! I did put some stuffed green olives in this, but they don't...
- 6 Replies
Last post by Cabonaia
Wed Jan 29, 2014 07:41
Replies: 6
Cabonaia » Mon Nov 04, 2013 05:07
First post
I made some morcella - Portuguese blood sausage - using Hank Shaw's recipe with some adjustments. I grew up eating a locally made version that, in my memory, had cinnamon, allspice, cloves, and nutmeg in it, so I added small amounts of those. My apologies for not keeping track of what I did - next...
Last post
Hi Jeff and Rudy,
I have found a small abattoir not far from me, instead of ringing them up, I might visit them with 2 or 3 bottles of my best corn based moonshine to see if they can supply me with some fresh pigs blood and what container they need.
I have fond memories of blood sausage when I...
- 6 Replies
Last post by crustyo44
Tue Nov 05, 2013 19:56
All Beef Smoked Liverwurst
Replies: 10
IdaKraut » Tue Jun 25, 2013 21:31
First post
I'm not exactly a fan of liverwurst unless it is exceptionally good and wasn't planning on posting this recipe except that it happened to turn out really good. I've had rave reviews from several liverwurst connoisseurs so I decided I should maybe post what I did. So here you go:
My local favorite...
Last post
if all of the meats are cooked before grinding it will be more spreadable. That is the procedure I use for chicken liver pate.
- 10 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Thu Aug 08, 2013 16:28
Beef Tongue two ways sausage
Replies: 9
IdaKraut » Wed Jun 19, 2013 22:27
First post
I've posted recipes for these before but I think I have made this one better. This is for two sausages, one is the blood and tongue sausage (Blut-Zungenwurst) and the other is for tongue headcheese (Zungen-Sulze). They both use the beef tongue and the pork snouts/hocks but then the recipes differ....
Last post
Fantastic job!
- 9 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Sat Jun 22, 2013 03:33
Braunschweiger II (using the Marianski recipe this time)
Replies: 4
NorCal Kid » Mon Apr 22, 2013 15:45
First post
Okay, you Liver-Lovers...... ;)
I made another batch of braunschweiger , using a different recipe than the one I use last time (think Marianski vs Poli ). That particular recipe used a combination of three proteins (chicken, pork and beef) . This recipe is much simpler with regard to the...
Last post
Great work!
- 4 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Tue Apr 23, 2013 03:29
Fresh Blood
Replies: 14
Rick » Thu Apr 04, 2013 20:50
First post
Hello all,
My question is regarding how to slow the coagulation of fresh blood.
Wanting to make some kiszka today, I ordered a qt. of fresh beef blood for pick-up from my local slaughter house. The butcher had it ready for me when I arrived, and it was no older than 1 hour. When I arrived home I...
Last post
Just wanted to report that I had the grandson taste test the Kiszka. He said it was awesome! I tried it and I concur that it is indeed awesome. So we have a keeper. Next on the list is the tongue blood sausage.
- 14 Replies
Last post by Rick
Sun Apr 07, 2013 01:59
What To Do With Pork Liver
Replies: 9
markjass » Tue Mar 26, 2013 10:54
First post
I have been on holiday for 25 days and returned home and got some good news. For a long time I have been trying to get some pork liver. A local butcher (free range grass fed pork) had left a message that he had got 1 Kg of pork liver for me. Fortunately, while I was away I had checked my answer...
Last post
Thank you for your sugestions. I have some lovely liver pate sausage and it is spreadable.
This is the recipe for Braunschweiger Liver Sausage
Meats Metric US
pork liver 500 g 1.10 lb.
pork jowls, bacon, or fat pork trimmings 500 g 1.10 lb.
Ingredients per 1000g (1 kg) of meat
salt 18 g 3 tsp....
- 9 Replies
Last post by markjass
Sun Mar 31, 2013 08:42
Liver Mush
Replies: 17
Butterbean » Sat Mar 16, 2013 01:15
First post
Liver Mush is a local dish of the Carolina`s. It is sometimes called poor man`s pate. Its served on sandwiches with a good mustard and some mayo or pan fried and served with eggs for breakfast. You either love it or hate it. To me, its great stuff. Can`t buy it where I live now cause its rare as...
Last post
My younger son asked me if we still eat chicken liver. And I said yes. He said i thought you just fixed it to punish us .
- 17 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Wed Mar 20, 2013 19:58
Replies: 24
Butterbean » Sat Feb 16, 2013 22:11
First post
I got the whim to make some souse and this recipe turned out pretty good. Its a nice neutral flavor that is pretty respectable. I had hoped for a little spicier souse to mix with eggs but this fell short for that but its not a bad recipe nonetheless.
1 pigs head (preferably a happy one like this...
Last post
Hello Butterbean
I'm trying to duplicate your recipe and have some questions.
How much weight is the total meat used?
When and how much cure #1 did you use? and when did you add it?
When I made your Braunschweiger liver pate, I just simmered the tongue, kidneys, skin/meat and heart for 4-5 hours...
- 24 Replies
Last post by Doug
Fri Mar 15, 2013 17:35
Replies: 4
Doug » Thu Mar 07, 2013 20:41
First post
Greetings All,
I had such good results from making Butterbeans recipe for Braunschweiger - I have to make
a lot more because of the demand placed on me from previous tasters. THEY WANT MORE!
Including Carbonaia.
I can not find Butterbeans recipe. I've looked for about an hour. Would you please...
Last post
Thank you Chuckwagon. I would encourage the entire forum to promptly assist Doug in all ways. As his taster, I promise to report back. I would like to report that your advice so far has been highly effective. :mrgreen:
- 4 Replies
Last post by Cabonaia
Fri Mar 08, 2013 18:11
Bavarian Sulze and Blut-Zungenwurst
Replies: 9
IdaKraut » Fri Mar 01, 2013 01:05
First post
Inspired by Butterbean's wonderful recipe for souse, I decided to make some, as well as some blood and tongue sausage since it uses almost the same ingredients.
Here's what I used:
Pork Hocks 2630 g
Pigs Feet 3583 g
Beef Tongue 3039 g
Pork sirloin 907 g
Pork Backfat 272 g - ONLY used for the...
Last post
Butterbean, I'm the one that should be thanking you for inspiring me to make this. Next time I make it, I will leave out the pigs feet since they were too much trouble and I got very little meat off of them. I'll stick with hocks that have the skin on, plus some fairly lean pork and definitely the...
- 9 Replies
Last post by IdaKraut
Sun Mar 03, 2013 05:59
Scrapple recipe
Replies: 26
CrankyBuzzard » Tue Jan 22, 2013 01:30
First post
Ok guys, wife has a girlfriend that just recently moved to town and she is on me to make some scrapple!
She said she grew up on the stuff in the north east US and hasn't found any that meets her criteria in a packaged form....
She's a great gal and I really want to try it for her, but there are...
Last post
Well Red, I suppose that we can all disagee about the way people express their opinions about the name and catagorization of foods, I can see no reason that I should agree with your often narrow view of the way others have expressed their experience.
- 26 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Tue Feb 12, 2013 04:36
Need Mangalitza liver ideas
Replies: 5
Doug » Sat Feb 09, 2013 01:12
First post
I just got from a 425 lb pig offals; heart , kidneys, tongue and a huge liver.
I am a newbie and need recipes on what to do with them. I saw the liver sausage recipe but there is insufficient info for me to make it; time - temp etc.
Cured liver?? Anything liver, anything offal.
Last post
I read recently several liver sausage recipes and the use of cure was mentioned as optional and suggested it if you desired the more pink/red color tone that it imparts.
- 5 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Sun Feb 10, 2013 23:11
Vac sealing beef and blood tongue loaf
Replies: 1
nuynai » Tue Dec 04, 2012 17:14
First post
Has anyone ever vac sealed beef/blood tongue loaf. Here, the prices are so cheap to have it made commercially, it's almost not worth the trouble. I have a commercial grade Hobart slicer and was thinking of getting a 5 lb. loaf, slicing it myself, than vac sealing the product in 1/2 lb. packages....
Last post
I can't say I've ever frozen or even had blood tongue loaf but I have sealed and frozen a whole lot of different things.
If the consistency is anything like a head cheese or souse I would make your slices, seperate them in to pre mesured piles, be sure to put paper between each slice and freez on...
- 1 Replies
Last post by huckelberry
Wed Dec 05, 2012 07:50
Skinning livers
Replies: 6
nuynai » Mon Nov 19, 2012 18:24
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A lot of recipes call for liver. We're getting a lot of Venison livers, hearts, etc. I read the livers need to be skinned and can do a rough job but don't know if there's a right way to do it. Thanks in advance for any help.
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Thanks, for the info. Been out at deer camp, sorry for the long time replying. Will give it a shot.
- 6 Replies
Last post by nuynai
Mon Nov 26, 2012 02:04
Lamb Offal
Replies: 3
ssorllih » Mon Jul 18, 2011 02:27
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There is a local butcher shop that has a killing floor. I can buy pork trimming from them. They custom butcher and keep the offal and trimming and they buy some live animals also.
Someday I will ask if they have jowls. A friend has offered me some lamb liver when he slaughters some lambs this fall....
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Yo. In Australia we call lambs liver lambs fry . It has a very subtle taste & is great with onion gravy & mashed spud. Only cook lightly & slightly pink inside.
- 3 Replies
Last post by shagger
Sat Nov 10, 2012 07:51
Head Cheese in the works
Replies: 19
randalleg » Thu Apr 05, 2012 15:15
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This turned out really delicious, as long as I stopped telling people it was head cheese ;)
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Hi Jeff,
The skins I always cook before with the bones when I debone pork. This broth is than reduced by half. The next lot I make will have the skins chopped small and I will follow the advise posted by redzed.
For me it's all trial and error but I am getting there.
- 19 Replies
Last post by crustyo44
Fri Oct 26, 2012 20:09
Pig tongues & snouts
Replies: 38
Rick » Sat Sep 01, 2012 00:18
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I would like to make some Kiszka, Headcheese and Tongue blood sausage which all use tongues and snouts in their mix. My question is do the tongues and snouts have to be skinned after cooking and grinding? Thank you!
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No problem with not posting a picture. I looked into what it takes to post one, and I guess I have to set up an account with a third party, and move pictures from that website into this one....and....well it seems pretty confusing at the moment. I don't imagine I'll be posting pictures any...
- 38 Replies
Last post by Rick
Sun Oct 07, 2012 00:15
-'s the day!
Replies: 8
Rick » Sat Sep 08, 2012 14:59
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Okay I just picked up my hog head, tongues and snouts are ready to go.
My plan is to first parboil the tongues for about 5 minutes, cool and skin before adding to the rest of the kettle full of meat.
Then I'll cook the head, snouts and tongue meat at 190 degrees for a couple of hours to firm up...
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You're right Rick.
In pork head the best part is the cheek meat, and the jowl. But they have much better use for that, then waist it..... :wink: (I mean the jowl)
Grind some for fillers in between the larger chunks, that's all. Look at my sausage in the photo tread.
- 8 Replies
Last post by Gulyás
Sat Sep 08, 2012 21:11
First Braunschweiger Attempt
Replies: 7
NorCal Kid » Tue Apr 17, 2012 21:35
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I thought I`d take a stab at making something my wife really enjoys: smoked liverwurst ( Braunschweiger ). In the past, I could tolerate the stuff, but all I've had is the grayish-brown tubes in the grocery store shelves. I'm hoping what I create at home improves upon THAT stuff....
Most recipes...
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Very nice indeed. Another successful project.
Best Wishes,
- 7 Replies
Last post by Chuckwagon
Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:44
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