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Photo Gallery Of Meat Or Sausage-Related "Other Product
Replies: 35
ssorllih » Tue Jan 24, 2012 02:24
First post
Do you have a favorite recipe using sausage (or meat) as an ingredient? It doesn't matter whether or not it is the main ingredient, if it has sausage in it, why not share your recipe or information here?
I have probably carried on about this in the past but because I cook as well as make sausage...
Last post
The collagen did a good job gluing it together. I wasn't sure how little I could use and get by without using too much and making it greasy. This was just a shot in the dark but it seemed to do the job without it being greasy.
On another note, I ate a chinese sausage a few months ago that was very...
- 35 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Thu Jan 14, 2016 20:51
Sauerkraut (Home Made)
Replies: 140
uwanna61 » Sat Aug 20, 2011 02:32
First post
(USA) Homemade Sauerkraut
With all this talk about franks and hotdogs on the site lately, it made me think sauerkraut :razz:
Anyone here venture into homemade sauerkraut? Just made a batch this evening and thought I would share this recipe. Yup it`s a stinky proposition but the end result, sure...
Last post
Thanks both, and good catch re: the ferment. I spoke incorrectly by referring to anaerobic. More accurately I should have said open container or water sealed container. You get rot if you ferment above brine...that's my compost pile :lol:
- 140 Replies
Last post by Scogar
Mon Nov 22, 2021 01:16
Replies: 38
StefanS » Thu Aug 11, 2016 16:52
First post
I would like to refresh that old topic instead to start a new one. It is cucumber season right now so I have made some preparation for winter time and would like to share with you how it looks like. So old polish way (my Mather) I have prepared cucumber in brine - first picture - one week old jars,...
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rev 1.jpg
Thought I'd put my 2 pickles worth as well. Pretty much the same ole Polish recipe that every other Pole is using. 1 tbls of non-iodine salt, dill and black currant leaves. I just added a ton more of garlic - 10 cloves worth and a tps of chilli flakes for a lot of zing :twisted: !!!
- 38 Replies
Last post by jjnurk
Tue Aug 24, 2021 15:12
JBK's "Pierogi Makers" Corner
Replies: 50
Rick » Fri Jan 17, 2014 19:07
First post
I was wondering if we had any pierogi makers on the forum? The wife and I have made them where we cut the dough out with a glass and fill and seal each one by hand. Time consuming yes, but a labor of love.
Well I was watching a video on YouTube on making pierogi with a pierogi maker. Kind of a...
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Hey Ross, I just pulled up Restaurant Depots flyer for Capitol Heights Md and they have FRIENDSHIP Farmers cheese, $8.59 for a 3 lb. brick. Same one we buy in Buffalo that we use and also at RD in Tampa. It is the dry farmers cheese I call it dry cottage cheese. It is a 2 week sale best price I...
- 50 Replies
Last post by Krakowska
Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:29
Curing Back Fat
Replies: 2
Scogar » Sat Feb 20, 2021 21:13
First post
So I find myself needing to cure some back fat. My hope is that this will be one of the ingredients in my sausage contest entry if my timing works out. Reading through Marianski I learned that there is no benefit of adding cure #1 to pure back fat as there is no myosin. So one just uses salt and...
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Thank you Bob
- 2 Replies
Last post by Scogar
Mon Feb 22, 2021 14:32
Salchichoc - Chocolate Sausage
Replies: 5
redzed » Fri Feb 12, 2021 03:02
First post
Salchichoc - Chocolate Sausage
Dessert making is not in my household job description. Other than the occasional scooping of ice cream, I have never in my life baked a cake, made cookies or anything else in that genre. But these are crazy times, and this all changed a couple of days ago when I...
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Beautiful! I have the book but never noticed the recipe. Thanks for sharing it.
- 5 Replies
Last post by DanMcG
Sat Feb 13, 2021 14:41
Naem moo - Thai Fermented Sausage
Replies: 8
Butterbean » Fri Nov 16, 2018 17:53
First post
I ran across this sausage several years ago and found it uniquely delicious with a very interesting flavor and texture but had a hard time finding a recipe written in English till recently a member was kind enough to post a link on the after I mentioned it in a post.
I recently broke down a pig...
Last post
I also love many things that are 'rice cured.' The same technique can be used for many things, pork ribs or just 1/2in thick slices of lean pork that are-those are both generally deep fried after fermentation- fish, greens, you name it! There is also a method of using powdered dry rice as a sugar...
- 8 Replies
Last post by woklikeaman
Wed Jan 20, 2021 19:18
New Year's Smoked Cheesecake
jjnurk » Thu Dec 31, 2020 21:51
20201231_104410_resized.jpg 20201231_141421_resized 1.jpg
So I thought about having some fun today. Instead of preparing some meat products, let's make dessert. Wifey and I made a coconut cheese cake, which I then threw into the smoker for about 2 hrs, smoked it on cherry wood and let me tell...
- 0 Replies
Last post by jjnurk
Thu Dec 31, 2020 21:51
Replies: 8
Butterbean » Fri May 22, 2020 21:23
First post
Started out making some corned beef using an EQ dry cure for 20 days then sous vide'd the brisket for 2.5 days then since I had the smoker going I thought I'd go ahead and make use of the smoke so I put pastrami spices on the corned beef and hot smoked it for a little less than an hour just to bake...
Last post
Butterbean, that looks awesome. I typically make corned beef every year and have converted a lot to pastrami over the years. Ivemostly used Ruhlman's recipe but need to convert to equilibrium. I do tongue this way as well
- 8 Replies
Last post by Scogar
Tue Jun 16, 2020 13:14
"Sun" Dried Tomatoes
Replies: 3
Bob K » Mon Aug 26, 2019 15:22
First post
So easy to make and so much better than the store bought. I use a dehydrator but also can be made in an oven. Just add a little salt and an (optional) herb of your choice.
Last post
Those look great.
- 3 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Mon Aug 26, 2019 23:14
Yeast Question for Winemakers
Replies: 2
Butterbean » Sun Aug 25, 2019 22:11
First post
Was planning on making some sparkling hard cider next week and have some yeast ordered and it should arrive the first of the week. However in the mean time I decided to double the quantity I had planned on making and was wondering if my starting out with half the yeast they recommend would be a...
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Thanks for the reply Ago. I'll stray on the side of caution and try and be patient and order some more. I have plenty of one type yeast to do this batch but its not what I wanted to use. With as much time as it takes to make libations such as this my waiting a few more days is a small price to pay...
- 2 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Mon Aug 26, 2019 15:12
Moist and Tender Jerky Experiment
Replies: 8
Butterbean » Thu Nov 01, 2018 17:39
First post
Wanted to attempt to make a very tender and moist jerky. I know this sounds contradictory but I'd read where you could reduce the shrink in jerky to only 20% if you bind the available water with both sugar and salt. Think jelly. Its got very little available water.
With that thought in mind I made...
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Thanks Butter! I was thinking Jack Links but don't like naming . I will give it a go.
- 8 Replies
Last post by LOEBER74
Tue Aug 13, 2019 20:16
Replies: 5
Janlab » Fri Oct 23, 2015 14:40
First post
I haven't posted for a very long time, due to work commitments, but thought I'd share this, since it is a meat product;
I recently did a very long bicycle ride with my daughter and her partner, 1060 km MTB trail in 10 days and a bit. (see ) For carry on food during the day we...
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Redzed, if you've never had it you will be amazed at how good it is. IMO, it tastes just like good quality beef only more tender.
We have a bounty on them as well but its not well funded and the money is gone in a month. They are like a plague in my area and I see no end to it.
- 5 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Thu Feb 28, 2019 00:18
Rolla Pulsa (Rullepolse)
Replies: 5
charcoal junkie » Sat Dec 24, 2016 23:51
First post
Merry Christmas everyone! I am looking for a recipe for Rolla Pulsa. I havent been able to find anything with my internet searching. I am looking for a recipe for smoked beef Rolla Pulsa. All i can find is recipes for recipes that are boiled, steamed, or baked. Thanks in advance
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Is whisky made from grapes still whisky or cognac?
Rullepølse made from anything but pork really is'nt!
Make as per recipes and cold smoke before boiling.
It's (smoked rolled susage / Rullepølse) made and sold here ik DK and it's gooood!
4 parts ground black pepper
1 part ground...
- 5 Replies
Last post by Chickenthief
Sat Jan 26, 2019 23:30
Replies: 6
Kijek » Sat Dec 08, 2018 23:19
First post
I love making venison and beef jerky, right now I'm sticking with grinding the meat and seasoning, marinade overnight, then press out into flat snack strops or round snack sticks.
It's a big hit, everyone love them.
I'm going to try some other recipes that call for using sliced whole muscle meat....
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I've done both, ground and sliced with beef and venison. Never had any left over marinade. Put meat in a stainless steel bowl, mixing well. Refrigerate, mixing every 12 hrs. and let it sit for 2 to 3 days. I add liquid smoke to it, as opposed to smoking. Put in my dehydrator for 6 hrs. at 160. With...
- 6 Replies
Last post by Kijek
Wed Dec 19, 2018 16:44
Teriyaki Jerky
Replies: 6
Devo » Sat Apr 21, 2018 17:47
First post
Hanging from the rack in my bradley smoker. Used toothpicks to hang them. This is my preferred method. Takes longer to hang them but everything gets done at the same time.
Going in for 1 hour at 150F to dry them out some.
After 1 hour they got 4-5 hours of smoke.
Not much there but what is...
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Tasty looking devo.
- 6 Replies
Last post by Kijek
Wed Apr 25, 2018 22:44
Corned Beef
Replies: 7
Kijek » Mon Mar 19, 2018 19:57
First post
Recently we had a small discussion on corned beef and the use of cures, as I was trying to develop a totally natural corned beef product, using nothing but pure organic ingredients and no cure of any type, just sea salt.
Most agreed it could be done, but flavor, texture and color would suffer....
Last post
Thanks I'm starting to see the big picture now.
- 7 Replies
Last post by Kijek
Tue Mar 20, 2018 17:13
Aging Cuts of Beef
Replies: 5
Kijek » Wed Mar 14, 2018 02:21
First post
I know this is not a main subject for this forum, however, what better place to start then with the meat professionals.
Does anyone have any degree of experience in the meat aging of primal cuts?
If so, can you or anyone recommend a book on the subject. My son mostly, but I as well am interested...
Last post
I totally love the taste of aged beef, a good cut aged right, will have this wonderful buttery flavor. I guess some of us have a more delicate, :lol:
This is not something that I getting into, I have an up scale butcher shop that sells great aged beef, at $27 lbs US
- 5 Replies
Last post by Kijek
Wed Mar 14, 2018 22:38
Celery Powder & Corned Beef
Replies: 20
Kijek » Wed Feb 28, 2018 13:59
First post
I always use cure #2 when making my corned beef, but to be somewhat healthier, thought I might try celery juice powder instead.
I done all the reading I can and know that this way will be considered an in-cured product, etc.
But what your thoughts on this natural curing agent? Is it no healthier...
Last post
First of all the thread has not been derailed, this all fits in.
Marianski and others have done an excellent job putting this information in words.
Yes they have and I myself and others very much appreciate it for sure.
Also, I too made the same mistake when looking at a recipe that called for...
- 20 Replies
Last post by Kijek
Thu Mar 01, 2018 23:30
Alternating cheese and meat in the curing chamber
Replies: 2
Bumper » Fri Jun 30, 2017 01:35
First post
I am thinking about curing cheese and salami in the curing chamber. Not doing both at the same time, which could give rise to contamination issues but doing a few runs of salami to build up stock and then a couple of batches of cheese and rotate back again.
Does anyone else do this, or envisage...
Last post
Cross Contamination? I guess it could depend on the type of cheese.
Ha! I had read previously on reddit views that there could be some issues - maybe a washed rind may be more susceptible than a hard cheese wax sealed? Great photo to illustrate the viability though, that looks perfect to me!
- 2 Replies
Last post by Bumper
Sat Jul 01, 2017 01:08
Crusty Bacon & Cheese Bread
Replies: 1
Butterbean » Sat Oct 08, 2016 20:29
First post
This is a recipe from the Lodge Manufacturing Co. and it looked interesting so I thought I'd give it a try. Anything with cheese and bacon in it has to be good and the recipe seemed simple enough.
The bread itself is really good and interesting in that the outer crust is crusty like a cracker but...
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Looks good!
- 1 Replies
Last post by Bob K
Sat Oct 08, 2016 21:15
Blackberry infusion
Replies: 4
redzed » Sat Aug 06, 2016 16:12
First post
Here on Vancouver Island, as in the rest of the Pacific Northwest, we are blessed with an abundance of blackberries. They grow everywhere, and if you are prepared to suffer through a few scratches and pokes from the sharp needles on the branches, you can get as many berries as you want. At this...
Last post
That looks awesome. Now I know what to do with all the blackberries I have this year :lol: .
- 4 Replies
Last post by Lance Link
Sun Aug 14, 2016 15:15
Bread Suggestion for Salami Board
Replies: 4
Butterbean » Sun Jul 31, 2016 22:20
First post
Curiosity got the best of me today and I baked some bread with crispy cooked bacon and sharp cheddar cheese. Results were very good. The bread ended up being very dense and infused with with cheese and bacon. Was a little oily which affected the rise but its not over-oily by any stretch. Its...
Last post
If I had 2 slices of that divine looking bread on my plate, I would spread some Mettwurst on the first slice, the second with some Brie cheese.
Then sit back and go hmmmmmm :lol:
- 4 Replies
Last post by Bubba
Wed Aug 03, 2016 00:10
collagen wrap sheets
Replies: 18
crustyo44 » Wed Jun 19, 2013 22:17
First post
I just found out about the availability of Collagen wrap sheets, these can be used as curing wraps for obvious reasons. size 70X50cm. for bresaola, capocollo, pancetta etc.
They need to be wetted before use.
Have any members ever used them.
No doubt they are cheaper than Beef middles and...
Last post
My USA source and the only one I could find, Zip-net. Linda will help you with whatever you need. They have some very good specials and are very accommodating. A pleasure to do business with. Tom
Linda M. Geiger
ZIP-net, Inc.
801 William Lane
Reading, PA 19604
1-877-632-8638 Ext. 1...
- 18 Replies
Last post by Tom
Fri Dec 04, 2015 14:25
Replies: 3
IFB » Mon Oct 19, 2015 22:30
First post
Does any one of you guys also brew your own beer to go with your awesome sausages? I recently got this urge to make my own beer. So far I brewed two, Centennial Blonde, an American ale, and a clone of Leffe Brune, my favorite Belgian Dubbel ale. Both are out of this world good. After trying them,...
Last post
I like the look of that Belgian Leffe Brune clone. Can you share the ingredients list and the procedure. Many years ago I was a beer brewer. My address:
- 3 Replies
Last post by crustyo44
Tue Oct 20, 2015 20:39
Replies: 5
Chef_Raoul » Mon Aug 17, 2015 01:07
First post
I have a question about casing, hope this is the right location for the question. For the last 15 years, I have used DeWied casing, specifically the hand pulled. I use both the natural and the smoked pre-flushed bagged in hanks/10 hanks per bucket. Frankly, I just took the suggestion of the sales...
Last post
Wow, Redzed,
The Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry is extraordinary. Thank you so much for recommending this. It is very technical, but has the information to take fermentation of meat to such a high level. I think that this could be the single most important source of information to help me...
- 5 Replies
Last post by Chef_Raoul
Tue Aug 18, 2015 21:08
Bread making
Ant » Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:06
I've just started cooking my own bread. I've started cooking mostly flat breads, pizza bases and Pastadura but slowly expanding my knowledge. I was just cooking the basic (off the back of the flour) till I worked with a retired baker of 45 years that gave me a few tips.
The pics below is of...
- 0 Replies
Last post by Ant
Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:06
Hamburger Buns & Dried Beef Bread Loaf
Replies: 6
Devo » Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:49
First post
My bread starter needed to be refreshed so Saturday was bread day. Wanted some hamburger buns and thought i would give something different a try. Found a recipe on
stuffed baguettes. Looked good so I went with it.
The stuffed bread (smoked dried beef, monterey jack with jalapeno cheese &...
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I live in Canada and the fellow I got this one from lives in Texas. As the story goes his grandmother started it 138 years ago. It's called a sweet bread starter. In order for him to ship it to me he had to dehydrate it and when it arrived at my house I had to rehydrate it back to life. Worked like...
- 6 Replies
Last post by Devo
Sat Feb 28, 2015 19:54
Lancaster County Dried Beef
Replies: 3
Devo » Thu Feb 19, 2015 15:43
First post
Saw this on facebook of all places :whistle: but it looked good and wanted to give it a shot. Now the recipe calls for 130 IT but I like mine taken to 152 IT. I have made this before with pork and I-of-round and I prefer 152 IT. My temps are different also for my smoker. I go 150 F for 40 minutes...
Last post
Wow! That colour is amazing! I don't think it would have lasted too long at my house. I'm sure it tastes good thinly sliced hot or cold. Definitely would have not packed and frozen any! But I probably would have taken it to only 130 as the recipe suggested. :grin:
- 3 Replies
Last post by redzed
Fri Feb 20, 2015 02:21
Sweet bread from two year old sweet bread starter
Replies: 5
Devo » Tue Dec 09, 2014 21:01
First post
After 2 years in the deep freeze I got my sweet bread starter to kick in. Took two weeks and three feedings but now its bread time. Made 3 loafs this morning.
1 cup of bread starter out of the freezer
Mixing in the flour and sugar for a feed.
Got some bubbles happening, not enough....
Last post
Well just for sh*t and giggles I wanted to try this out for some time now. I had bought some of the black plastic stuff thats probably made from all the things that are not good for us. Its those BBQ mat's that are good to 500 F degrees. I bought them for doing shrimp on the gasser so they won't...
- 5 Replies
Last post by Devo
Mon Dec 29, 2014 01:04
liquid smoke
Replies: 5
ursula » Sun Nov 30, 2014 07:00
First post
Hi everyone,
I have had a bottle of liquid smoke for awhile now, and I was wondering if anyone who uses it regularly has any suggestions of different ways to use it and what the results resemble.
I don't want to ruin any expensive cuts, and there doesn't seem to be much out there in terms of how or...
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Like everyone else said it's not a replacement for the real deal. I use it in jerky if I am making it in my dehydrator and its to cold outside to use the smoker. It adds a different flavor but not like real smoke.
1 tsp per 5 lbs of meat is about right.
One thing I learnt is do not use it in any...
- 5 Replies
Last post by Devo
Tue Dec 02, 2014 15:35
Ross's Maryland Bakery
Replies: 471
Chuckwagon » Fri Mar 22, 2013 21:14
First post
Howdy Sausage Makers!
We have, in our midst, an experienced member whose wisdom and suggestions are always welcome around my campfire! He has expertise in many areas, but if you have a question about wood (trees) or breads and baked items (sausage buns), then ssorllih is the man to see. That`s...
Last post
Thanks Ross, keep posting those baking recipes and tips!
- 471 Replies
Last post by Janlab
Sun Nov 09, 2014 09:05
- 8 Replies
Last post by redzed
Thu Nov 06, 2014 07:23
Replies: 27
crustyo44 » Wed Nov 14, 2012 20:16
First post
Hi Everone,
Just getting ready to smoke about 15 lbs of smoked biltong to supply the family, especially grandkids.
Just waiting for them to dry and than I will smoke them 3-4 hours a day over 3 days to my liking.
After that it will be a batch of IdaKraut's minced bacon blocks.
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Canadian beef will do just fine, as will elk, moose, deer.... In South Africa, any kind of antelope meat is used, also Zebra and Cape Buffalo
Jan L
- 27 Replies
Last post by Janlab
Tue Nov 04, 2014 15:52
Buying A Mechanically Tenderized Sub-Primal Cut
Replies: 7
Shuswap » Sat Sep 27, 2014 15:35
First post
At Costco we were debating over buying a whole sirloin tip or a whole top sirloin. By coincidence the lady standing next to us mentioned that we should buy the top sirloin and have the butcher mechanically tenderize it for us (no charge), which we did. I didn`t know that service was available. I...
Last post
I would hope your chemical engineer wouldn't be in a cramped lab the day after ingestion less the draft fans were on full blast. :mrgreen:
If there is such a thing as brutally delicious these would have been it.
These are some Dragon's Eggs only they haven't been allowed to age the required 8...
- 7 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Sun Sep 28, 2014 01:01
Heart Burgers
Replies: 9
HamnCheese » Tue Jul 29, 2014 03:39
First post
Just tried this recipe and it was amazing.
How so?
Well first, I've never eaten beef heart. So the learning began with this video on how to butcher a heart.
Had a smaller 'steak' last night and it was delicious.
Today, made the actual buger combo. Thanks to this forum - I understood the...
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While attending college in the 70's we called chicken hearts poor mans steak tips (29 cents a pound).Sautéed in butter with a 20 cent box of mac and cheese was a great meal , I have always liked heart ,be it beef, venison or chicken ! :smile:
Hey, a guy with a lot of heart!
- 9 Replies
Last post by redzed
Wed Jul 30, 2014 01:31
first Coppa
Replies: 7
crustyo44 » Sat Jul 26, 2014 06:07
First post
My first Coppa at 35% weightloss with the much talked about UMAi/Tubex bags.
Taste is great, I will make some more shortly but will delete the cloves although they are not overpowering.
What amazes me is that there is no dark rim.
Another bigger Coppa started at the same time will dried to a...
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There is a good venison salami here: posted by Redzed..if you dont have FLC culture it can be made with TSPX. (I am considering substituting Cumin for the cinnamon and cloves though).
And Jan there are whole muscle cultures manufactured....problem is finding a source.
- 7 Replies
Last post by Bob K
Sun Jul 27, 2014 18:07
Just Another Chicken Recipe
Replies: 20
ssorllih » Fri Jun 27, 2014 19:56
First post
Neither Nancy nor I are fond of chicken breast meat but it seems to be attached to the chicken so we take it when we buy a whole chicken.
One of the premiere recipes for chicken breast is Chicken Cordon Bleu. Which is a chicken breast flattened and filled with a good slice of ham and some good...
Last post
Thanks Ursula. Last night her BP was88/56 and HR111. Pretty rough evening better this AM.
- 20 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:22
Pic of home made Proscuito Wa Australia
Replies: 3
Aaron » Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:28
First post
Ok...This Biodynamic pig Farmer in the Busselton Area W.A made this 2 Year old proscuito....He cut it the other day to give my friends a taste of mate said that he was in Heaven over the taste of it......Not sure about the whole in it??? but i'm sure it doesn't matter!...I can see the...
Last post
Thanks for this Aaron, worth paying him a visit. Probably too expensive for biltong though. But for that spacial occasion.....
- 3 Replies
Last post by Janlab
Tue Jul 08, 2014 15:56
Replies: 2
oneills » Tue Jun 24, 2014 03:55
First post
I am after some ideas for using aromatics in curing some guanciale. I am killing a couple of pigs tomorrow and normally just keep the cheek meat for braising and give the rest of the head away to a customer. Would have loved to do a headcheese or terrine but im not going to have enough time. Then i...
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I would not overdo it with seasonings just so that the quality pork flavour still comes through. Chris is absolutely correct! It seems like everyone must find this out for themselves. I recommend a shake of salt and two shakes of pepper. That's all. Let the natural flavor of the pork come through....
- 2 Replies
Last post by Chuckwagon
Tue Jun 24, 2014 09:42
Our "Members' Recipes Index"
Chuckwagon » Fri Jun 20, 2014 08:19
Find our Member`s Recipe Index at this link:
Don`t miss hundreds of favorite sausage-making recipes! Ham, bacon, and whole muscle meat recipes are here too. Make your own meat products for BIG flavor! Make your own to save big bucks too! All recipes in this forum are tried and true ! They have...
- 0 Replies
Last post by Chuckwagon
Fri Jun 20, 2014 08:19
Cured dried Pork Shoulder
Replies: 18
rgauthier20420 » Fri Jun 06, 2014 21:25
First post
So, I know this cut of meat is more commonly used for grinding for sausages and other dried products, but I'm wondering how it would fair being cured and then dried like a Lonzino? It's much fattier of course than the loin, but it's just got me wondering what it would be like. Has anyone ever done...
Last post
Everything on the chopping block look beautiful. Wish I lived closer!!!
- 18 Replies
Last post by crustyo44
Mon Jun 16, 2014 09:26
Using frozen meat for coppa
Replies: 8
oneills » Sat Jun 14, 2014 16:15
First post
Hi Guys. Just a quick question. I have a couple of frozen and vacuumed packed pork scotch fillets (the whole muscle at top of shoulder) also known as the coppa that were frozen on the day they were butchered. I would like to cure one or both in an Italian style coppa and was wondering if using...
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Was a 22 solid. It has gone through the head and into the beginning of the shoulder. Have to use a hollow point next time.
- 8 Replies
Last post by oneills
Mon Jun 16, 2014 09:05
Mexican Pancetta? With Grits?
Replies: 4
Butterbean » Sun Jun 08, 2014 00:17
First post
Never been a big fan of pancetta. Always thought it was boring. Pretty enough I'll admit but it just never hit me as something I cared much for but I got the urge to try something different. To correct the oversight of the eye-tallians.
Started with a basic dry cure recipe but after curing and...
Last post
...or, you could call it wallpaper paste.
No! Wait! Wallpaper paste is much smoother. ...uh, has much different mouth feel. (...but whatever happened to taste?)
- 4 Replies
Last post by el Ducko
Mon Jun 09, 2014 00:15
Backfat in Sausage
Replies: 9
sawhorseray » Tue Jun 03, 2014 16:16
First post
Sunday morning I had the hams separated from the boar hog I killed Saturday and had them brining before noon. Yesterday morning I dragged the cooler containing the rest of the carcass into the kitchen and got on with deboning what was left for sausage.
As I was getting the meat off the hogs...
Last post
Sounds great
- 9 Replies
Last post by STICKSTRING
Wed Jun 04, 2014 15:36
Jerky And Biltong
Replies: 45
Chuckwagon » Thu Apr 22, 2010 07:06
First post
Hi Smoke Addicts!
Do you love good jerky as much as most folks do? Have you priced it in the stores lately? Making good jerky is so simple, it`s a shame not to make and enjoy your own for a fraction of the price of an inferior store-bought product. If you have a great recipe or technique,...
Last post
Just getting back to the biltong question:
It is definitely not being cooked and nitrite is optional. It is used in a fair amount of commercial product, but not all and in general not by home makers.
Me for one have been eating it for years and in our climate we have a weight loss of 20-30 % within...
- 45 Replies
Last post by sambal badjak
Sat May 31, 2014 06:56
Wow, Never Seen So Many Meat Products
Krakowska » Mon May 12, 2014 22:21
Old stomping grounds up in Buffalo. Here is an outfit 35 years ago we went here many times to buy meats, a box (40 lbs.) of chicken wings at $.19 a lb. $7.60 for a box and I see it now at over $70.00 a box. I am amazed at the products for sale. Naturally there are no prices since they change daily....
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Last post by Krakowska
Mon May 12, 2014 22:21
Mac and cheese
Replies: 3
ssorllih » Mon May 05, 2014 13:03
First post
When ever I make mac and cheese I use up all of the odds and ends of for cheese in the fridge. I buy several kinds of cheese so the results are never exactly the same. Last night it was pepper jack, jarlsburg, and provolone with a couple of thick slices of bacon sausage cut into small chunks. The...
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Ray I always make a medium white sauce and melt the grated cheese in that. It was to that mix that I added the bacon sausage I often have added ham. Family tradition calls for corn flakes and paprika on top and oven time until it bubbles. ;-)
- 3 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Mon May 05, 2014 20:55
Smokin' 6 Birds
Replies: 16
sawhorseray » Fri Apr 18, 2014 21:06
First post
When the ads came out Wednesday one of the discount markets here was advertising whole chickens for 69≠lb and 2-liter bottles of 7-up for 79≠ each.. I was at that store bright and early yesterday and picked thru the lot for six birds that each weighed right about 5.7 pounds, they were still...
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Thanks guys. I'm on it.
- 16 Replies
Last post by MetalMan
Thu Apr 24, 2014 04:01
Stuffed boneless chicken
Replies: 8
ssorllih » Thu Apr 10, 2014 00:40
First post
Today I boned a small chicken(3.5 pounds when finished) and stuffed it with a kilogram of sausage made from ground chicken leg meat. When Nancy has finished her therapies and is feeling up to a celebration it will be the center piece for a party.
The spice blend is this.
Grind the meat through...
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No violation pal. If you or any member were making money from it, then we would have to worry.
Rock Chuck Wagon Track :roll:
- 8 Replies
Last post by Chuckwagon
Sat Apr 12, 2014 04:11
Rendering Pork Fat
Replies: 5
oneills » Sat Mar 15, 2014 14:44
First post
Had approx 20 kg of pork back fat that i kept from last lot of pigs i killed. Was going to save it for when i kill a steer later this month for sausages but condenser fan in my big freezer decided to stop working and couldnt fit it in other smaller one. So instead of wasting it, googled a few web...
Last post
I got these 400 ml screw top jars free from the lab at work. They work a treat
Hey Jan, i think i will put most of it in the freezer for keeping
What methods do others use to render their lard ?
- 5 Replies
Last post by oneills
Sun Mar 16, 2014 13:56
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