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Venison Lunch Meat
Replies: 2
Butterbean » Tue Feb 07, 2023 22:51
First post
This is a tweak of the Ham Sausage in Marianski's book Home Production of Quality Meats and Sausages Page 257. I basically followed this recipe but substituted cubed venison in the mix. Cured cubed pieces for 3 days along with the cured emulsion but other than that I pretty well followed the recipe.
Last post
Wow! You sure did a fine job there, peffect cohesion! Sure would like to bite into that sandwich!
I was pleased with the results. A foodie friend said he didn't think it could be improved on. While I don't know about that, but I have learned not rushing these processes and following the older...
- 2 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Sat Feb 11, 2023 16:25
Venison Sausages
Replies: 80
redzed » Tue Dec 22, 2015 04:27
First post
Last month I scored some Saskatchewan whitetail venison and this past weekend made a smoked sausage and a liver sausage. The smoked sausage was made from a recipe posted on the Polish WD forum by Andrzej Kwiatek, chief technologist and instructor at the School of Domestic Meat Processing. It is a...
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Looks awesome as usual Chris! I'm taking a bunch up to family this weekend so I can make a fresh batch for Easter. My Venison and Elk supply is really good this year so I'm sharing a lot so I can make more!
- 80 Replies
Last post by fatboyz
Wed Apr 06, 2022 14:22
Venison Liver Sausage
Replies: 35
fatboyz » Sat Dec 02, 2017 16:02
First post
Well I'm doing my first try at venison Liverwurst. I got the recipe from a German friend who has a sausage shop here. The meats cooking now. Then into the grinder. More to come!
Title of thread changed by moderator to facilitate easier searching, and recipe copied from another post by fatboyz....
Last post
I made a batch with a liver from the deer my daughter and I got. I just got back from a late season cow elk hunt. I have 300 pounds to cut up saturday. Will make some good sausage!
- 35 Replies
Last post by fatboyz
Thu Jan 13, 2022 01:28
The McBambi
Replies: 1
Butterbean » Wed Feb 03, 2021 02:11
First post
A couple weeks ago I got the idea to use a sweet pickle cure to cure a venison sirloin. After 10 days in the brine and 16 hours at 132F in the sous vide I dried it wiped in oil then gave a light sear and then sliced the meat as thinly as possible. Served on garlic buttered toasted bead with...
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- 1 Replies
Last post by Albertaed
Wed Feb 03, 2021 02:46
Fermenting with Duck
Replies: 3
christofaun » Sun Jan 24, 2021 17:56
First post
I'm interested in developing a fermented/ dried duck sausage. There doesn't seem to be a lot of information out there or recipes to reference so I thought I'd reach out. Has anyone ever experimented with this outside of the ubiquitous duck proscuitto ? Are there extra considerations or...
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Poultry salami is not common in NA or Europe. In Asia salami where poultry meat is fermented, smoked and cooked is common. In North America hobbyists are not advised to make salami with poultry meats because a very large percentage of the meat that is sold to us in supermarkets is contaminated with...
- 3 Replies
Last post by redzed
Mon Jan 25, 2021 17:44
Venison Landjaeger
Replies: 19
fatboyz » Sat Dec 05, 2020 15:18
First post
Today I'm making of Venison Landjaeger. This is a favorite to take with me hunting, hiking or ice climbing.
Today I'm using 20 pounds of venison class I and Class II, and 10 pounds of pork picnic.
Spices (/kg of meat):
25 g salt.
2 g cure #2
Culture per the type you have.
3g Med course Black...
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Thanks, I'll look Will up. Always like seeing and listening to this type stuff.
- 19 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Fri Dec 11, 2020 14:40
One of those things
Replies: 5
Butterbean » Thu Nov 26, 2020 21:22
First post
I process a fair amount of game and try to be sure I don't pick up any bullets along the way but it happens from time to time. I've learned bullets will destroy a $300 set of meat cuber blades in just a second. I learned this about 10 years ago and since then I haven't had any issues till last week...
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Ah, that makes sense. In the shop I worked at before it burnt down they had a very large grinder and processed a lot of wild game from trim people brought in. We often found bullets and bits of bone in the grissley meat between the plate and wrapped around the blade.
- 5 Replies
Last post by fatboyz
Sun Nov 29, 2020 16:19
A Corona Thanksgiving
Replies: 13
Butterbean » Mon Nov 23, 2020 18:31
First post
The corona isolation left me short handed as we had plans on everyone helping in the kitchen but this all fell through leaving me to do everything myself. I guess this could be viewed as a good thing because I can take credit for everything since everything turned out so good.
What I made was a...
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I couldn't agree more on the importance of the process. I treated some Cajun sausages the same way and it truly transformed them to a higher level. I think everyone gets in a hurry but doing it this way reminded me of the importance of taking your time and letting things cure properly. It also...
- 13 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Thu Nov 26, 2020 21:06
Big Guy's Venison Summer Sausage
Replies: 4
Butterbean » Tue Nov 24, 2020 16:47
First post
This is the recipe I mentioned in another post created by one of our past members who went by the name Big Guy. He normally used volumes in his recipes so I set about to convert this to metric for ease in making. I'll give the recipe verbatim. This is a beautifully flavored summer sausage and well...
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When I made reds Venison sausage last night, that was the first time I had pre-cured all the meat. The grind and mix was defiantly quite different. In the shop I helped at they made such volumes and so often it would be very difficult to do that with every batch. It really mixed up nice and sticky....
- 4 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Wed Nov 25, 2020 15:23
Venison question
Replies: 4
polka » Fri Mar 01, 2019 02:17
First post
Hello All
Have a question regarding venison in sausage, like Kielbasa, etc.
I had 7.5 lbs of hind-quarter venison meat and 2.5 lbs brisket fat trimmings that I cured with #1, and all the salt for two days before grinding. (I got excellent bind doing this.) I then added the S/P, garlic and...
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Thanks much to all of you.
I'll be adding more fat.
- 4 Replies
Last post by polka
Wed Mar 06, 2019 12:41
Venison Bologna
Replies: 3
Butterbean » Wed Jan 23, 2019 18:02
First post
I was making some stuff the other day when I got the whim to make some bologna. The idea of having to clean the chopper offended my laziness and I decided to try again and make bologna using the grinder which was already in need of cleaning. I was a little hesitant about this because the last...
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Nice find on the chopper Scogar. My chopper isn't that hard to clean really it was just the amount of cleaning I had to do. I had made quite a bit of stuff that day and the bologna was an afterthought but the thought of having to clean another piece of equipment was just more than I felt like...
- 3 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Thu Jan 24, 2019 01:13
Rabbit meat pies
Replies: 4
fatboyz » Sun Jan 06, 2019 16:31
First post
My wife and I spent 5 days over New Years winter camping in the mountains. There is very little snow but was still brisk, lowest temp in the morning was -20. Rabbits were fairly easy to see and we shot 4. I stewed them up last night and am making meat pies today.
Here is a pic of another fellow...
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Pies look great. We don't have Lynx here but we do have bobcats which I see occassionally but they typically move late in the day or at night. I've seen a few panthers over the years but these are extremely rare to see.
- 4 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Sun Jan 06, 2019 23:31
Using Venison and other Meat?
Replies: 2
Kijek » Sat Dec 29, 2018 21:08
First post
Hey all you deer hunters, I love the sport and was lucky to harvest two nice size bucks and 1 mid size spike.
I use all the meat I can get off the deer, even the heart, and I get some nice roasts, meat for jerky and sausages, etc.
My questiions;
1. How well do you trim your scrapes for sausage...
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Thanks butters very useful info with my sausage making, I spend a ton of time trimming where I guess I don't need too.
Thank you very much
- 2 Replies
Last post by Kijek
Sun Dec 30, 2018 05:02
Replies: 3
Butterbean » Thu Dec 20, 2018 15:29
First post
My family eats a lot of venison because its cheap and plentiful. I'm always looking for different ways to prepare it but being we have busy schedules we often don't have the time to cook properly and have to resort to quick meals like sandwiches so often I make sandwich meat with the venison. After...
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Very nice experiment BB! I could not respond earlier because we were without power for 2 days. Lots of and wind and trees down all over the place.
I'm glad you explained the brown/gray colours because I was going to ask wheter you added cure. If you shoot with a flash the red colours come out.
- 3 Replies
Last post by redzed
Sun Dec 23, 2018 02:11
Wild Boar and Venison Kiełbasa
Replies: 4
redzed » Fri Dec 07, 2018 17:24
First post
Wild Boar and Venison Kiełbasa
A few days ago I returned from a trip to Saskatchewan with a supply of meat to play with. I scored some farmed wild boar meat and white tail and mule deer venison. My brother in law, nephews and niece are the hunters. The first thing that I made was smoked...
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I have not been here for a while but am glad I came back and foung the recipe for this sausage. It sure looks nice. I got sme deer meat from a friend who hunts and will try making it tomorrow.
- 4 Replies
Last post by Zyggy
Sat Dec 15, 2018 18:39
Snake Sausage
Replies: 13
Butterbean » Mon Apr 09, 2018 00:51
First post
With the arrival of spring the snakes are crawling pretty good. I ran across two at work last week thought I'd try to make snake sausage out of them. Turned out pretty good but I still need to tweak procedure. Flavor is spot on but the emulsion wasn't what it could be. Basically I made a mousseline...
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Oh I'm not saying that they are bad in any way, except if a poisonous one bites you, and they do play their part in the ecco system.
They just give me the shivers :shock:
- 13 Replies
Last post by Kijek
Thu Apr 12, 2018 13:20
German White Sausage with Venison
Replies: 11
redzed » Sat Mar 10, 2018 18:38
First post
In my continuing exploits with venison, I made a German white sausage based on a recipe for Stockwurst. Originating in Bavaria it is very similar to Weisswurst which is made with pork and veal, whereas Stockwurst is made with pork and beef. I am very happy with the results, and can`t stop eating...
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BB, that was one of the best emulsified sausages I ever made. Maybe because the texture turned out near perfect and it has a wonderful mouth feel. If you make it make sure you serve it with a sweet Bavarian mustard. I was scolded by an expert for eating it with a medium hot mustard. He tod me that...
- 11 Replies
Last post by redzed
Fri Mar 30, 2018 14:45
Venison/hog Chorizo
Replies: 6
Butterbean » Wed Feb 04, 2015 18:29
First post
Played around with some venison and hog meat tweaking the Morcón recipe and came up with this chorizo. Its pretty good. Hints of Penrose pickled sausage comes to mind only maybe more dignified in character.
2.8% salt, 1% garlic, 0.6% dextrose and table sugar split equally, cure 2, 2.5% paprika,...
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Hey Butterbean, in your original post you mentioned Penrose pickled sausage . A friend from down south always talked about the stuff but I could never find a recipe for it.
Any chance you have one to share? (or is the secret to the taste just the pickle? )
I haven't made any in a while but if I...
- 6 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Tue Jan 30, 2018 15:25
Wild sheep meat pies.
Replies: 3
fatboyz » Sun Dec 31, 2017 18:17
First post
Well it's been -30 +for the last week so it's nice to have the oven on. I'm in between charcuterie projects. They're either in the fridge in Vacuum bags or in the chamber. Being so cold out I decided to make meat pies. I've been saving some wild sheep for something special. I made individual size...
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This wouldn't be classed as Mutton, this would be lamb. This was a ewe lamb so very tender. Much closer in taste to young venison. Very simple spices for this. Fried onions and some bacon, a little celery, and sheep, salt pepper, garlic and smoked Paprika. I did use beef stock for the liquid. Very...
- 3 Replies
Last post by fatboyz
Sun Dec 31, 2017 19:29
Arby's Style Roast Beef/Venison
Replies: 2
Butterbean » Sun Dec 03, 2017 23:14
First post
With the children gone and my wife and I still working we are cooking less and going for more convenient meals. Recently we were on a trip and stopped by Arby's for lunch and I think they make a pretty good sandwich for a fast food chain. Anyhow, I got to wondering if I couldn't make sandwich meat...
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That looks interesting. Is Arbys roast beef a minced product?
I'm not sure. IMO, it looks to be a minced product but I guess it could take on this appearance from vacuum tumbling but I'm not sure. I've never seen any grain to it. I've tried whole muscle cloning make this but haven't been very...
- 2 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Mon Dec 04, 2017 18:43
Smoked dry venison/back bacon
Replies: 4
Devo » Tue Dec 30, 2014 01:20
First post
2°F today and not a nice day to be smoking but hey it could be snowing to but its not.
Got two small deer roasts from a friend so I thought I would like me some smoked deer meat. Gave it soak in my bacon brine. I have never used it as a wet brine before always just rubbed it on my bacon as a dry...
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Makes me wish i would of had a tag or 10 this year. Great job 👍
- 4 Replies
Last post by charcoal junkie
Sat Dec 24, 2016 23:58
Beaver Merguez
Replies: 12
Butterbean » Mon Sep 26, 2016 00:19
First post
At the risk of offending the purists I thought I'd experiment and substitute beaver for beef in Merguez. Since beaver tastes the same as beef - only more tender - I thought the substitution would work well. I was a little concerned with leaness of the beaver and since I didn't have any tails -...
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I think you'll be well pleased with the flavor of the beaver and how it tastes so much like high quality beef. The key is to be extremely careful removing the castor and oil sacs. I can't stress this enough. Your nephew will know what these are since they are valuable and are usually sold and used...
- 12 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Sat Oct 01, 2016 17:58
[CAN] Moose Summer sausage
Replies: 31
Big Guy » Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:53
First post
Some moose meat ready for the grinder
just into the smoker
finished smoking
now just to hang it to dry for 3-4 weeks.
my recipe
Summer Sausage
10 # Meat, 5 lbs venison/moose, 5 lbs. pork
5 TBS salt
2 tsp. cure#1
2 TBS. Onion Powder
2 TBS. Garlic Powder
2 TBS. Black...
Last post
Thanks Bob and Chris-that is exactly what I was hoping for. I don't have a decent PH meter as yet(will have one soon) so I just need to keep it safe(and tasty) for the moment---we just put 125Lbs of prime venison in the freezer so have some product to play with!
Thanks again
- 31 Replies
Last post by NorthFork
Wed Oct 28, 2015 21:20
[CAN] Moose pepperettes
Replies: 9
Big Guy » Sat Aug 20, 2011 15:06
First post
Just getting started, I need to clean my camera lens
just into the smoker @130 F for 2 hrs to dry cases, then up to 150 to smoke with peach wood.
they should be ready this evening.
the recipe
8 Lbs. Pork shoulder
7 Lbs. Venison/Moose
6 Tbs. Salt
4 Tbs. Paprika
1 Tbs. Chile...
Last post
I twist when I can but sometimes I have to tie and like you say its a lot of trouble. If you can twist them gently put them in a container and leave them in the fridge overnight before you do anything else with them and you'll find they will be a lot easier to work with because they will hold the...
- 9 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Sun Aug 30, 2015 23:06
Kangaroo Sausage
Replies: 11
Aaron » Sun Jan 11, 2015 03:52
First post
Topic was split from
Thank you Jan, Irdeer and Chris for your replies
It's good to get the responses....I thought I had stuffed up big time !
I defrosted some of the sausage in the fridge ready for last nights meal with friends
and they looked great.....Of course......then I go and burn some of...
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Have you made any pasturma with the roo yet?
No..I haven't made Pasturma...I've ony just starting to make sausage.
I started off doing Bacon, Pancetta, Bresaola etc along with pates, terrines an rillettes So My Roo and Pork shoulder was only my second attempt at sausage making!
- 11 Replies
Last post by Aaron
Tue Jan 13, 2015 00:02
Venison Haggis - South Georgia Style
Replies: 7
Butterbean » Mon Jan 12, 2015 02:25
First post
This may not be for the faint of heart but for those who enjoy deer hunting I encourage you to try this because if you aren't already doing this you are missing out on some really extraordinary eating.
I will say this is not a certified Scottish Haggis recipe - you can find that on the net if you...
Last post
Thanks Ida, feelings mutual. I learn a lot here as well. Be thankful I don't post my many train wrecks.
We eat a lot of venison and I like to try and give as much respect to the animal as possible and use as much as I can. There are some good meats in this fifth quarter which are normally thrown...
- 7 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Mon Jan 12, 2015 20:24
Venison Pepper Sticks
Replies: 5
Rick » Thu Oct 09, 2014 23:13
First post
I was asked about making some venison pepper sticks, which I've never made before. Would anyone have or know where to find a recipe?
Thank you!
Last post
I did some research and a local establishment, Kent Butcher Supply, carries a Heller Pepper Stick seasoning, which I'm sure is what all the deer processing outlets around me probably use.
- 5 Replies
Last post by Rick
Sat Oct 11, 2014 17:57
Blackened Venison
Replies: 6
Butterbean » Thu Sep 11, 2014 20:13
First post
After cooking some blackened cobia I got in my head the spice mix might work well on venison so I gave it a go and it was excellent and thought I'd share the recipe.
Blackening Spice: Enough for several meals.
1/3 cup paprika
1/3 cup salt
1/4 cup powdered garlic
1/4 cup freshly ground black...
Last post
The picture is a small loin off a deer a kid shot. We liked it so much we did some more using some more loin and basically what I did was just measure down the loin about 3-4 inches and cut straight through. The larger pieces did well at 3 minutes per side and the smaller took only 2 minutes.
- 6 Replies
Last post by cogboy
Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:58
Best meat to add to venison for burger?
Replies: 15
Blackriver » Mon Feb 20, 2012 00:07
First post
I am going to grind some venison scraps for burger. I have never done this before. What is the best meat to use for the added fat needed for good burger? I like to make hamburgers on the grill and I like a good juicy burger. How many grinds and what size plates should I use? Thanks
Last post
I'll fess up one day. Maybe.
Pretty sneaky Joe - pretty sneaky!
I LOVE sneaky! :lol:
- 15 Replies
Last post by Chuckwagon
Thu Jun 05, 2014 00:11
Venison Pizza Sticks
Replies: 6
Butterbean » Sun Dec 08, 2013 16:59
First post
Have more than several deer in the freezer at the moment and have grown tired of making the same old sausages and got on a jerky and snack stick craze of late. The other day I ate pizza for the first time in a while and wondered if the flavor of this couldn't be captured in a snack stick. Granted,...
Last post
I like that spice combo. Will definitely look at it when making wild goose sausage. Looks like it would take care of that gamey flavour.
Good job! How about posting info and pics of the other sausages you made from that venison bounty?
- 6 Replies
Last post by redzed
Thu Feb 13, 2014 04:47
Venison Sausage Rolls.
Replies: 5
Divey » Mon Jun 24, 2013 01:27
First post
Being a keen hunter, I often have the less desired cuts of Venison in the freezer and I came up with a recipe for Venison Sausage Rolls. Now, I don't know if our 'normal' Sausage Rolls is an Aussie thing or not, probably English, anyway, I really like this Venison version and it is definitely a...
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Hi Divey,
I think your recipe is dynamite! At first, I was thrown off by the double listing of eggs, but then I read the directions. I can't wait to try this one. Yum.... tomato sauce you say?
Thanks for posting and sharing mate!
Best Wishes,
We call it Sauce, you folks call it...
- 5 Replies
Last post by Divey
Wed Jun 26, 2013 04:17
venisonstrami, moosestramiand cariboustrami
Replies: 15
Big Guy » Sat May 25, 2013 23:15
First post
I thawed out some of my game meat I collected last fall, 3 sirlion(football) venison roasts, one moose round roast and a caribou round roast, injected and into my brine solution for the next 10 days, then I'll coat them and smoke with cherry wood, cool, slice and package
top roast is the...
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I did trim the silver skin off on the moose and the caribou roasts, and usually do on venison too, except for that cut of roast( sirloin) the silver skin on it is very thin and I feel it doesn't affect the flavour.
- 15 Replies
Last post by Big Guy
Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:45
Aussie Venison Smoked/Cooked Sausage
Replies: 12
Pete » Fri Nov 09, 2012 03:37
First post
Hello folks, first thread and will try to give you an idea of one of the things we do with wild shot Sambar Deer venison. No closed season, tags or bag limits.
(1) Procure deer...
After getting the deer into small enough pieces carry out to 4x4 and get it home to the cool room. This one is a...
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Thanks Pete. Might have to give some a go. What casings did you use ? The poor smoker is going to cop a hiding this year i think. Have half a dozen pigs to kill soon. Its too wet now had over 3 1/2 inches in the last week. Must have prayed too hard as it was vefy dry up till last week, but it has...
- 12 Replies
Last post by oneills
Mon May 20, 2013 17:05
Venison Stix
Replies: 15
nepas » Tue Jan 03, 2012 19:58
First post
Trimmed up a bag of 10 lbs, After the trim i ended up with just a tad over 6 1/4 lbs Cut in my fat and have 8 lbs now.
Med grind before the fat cut in.
Fat has been cut in and now the fine grind.
4 lbs here
4 here
8 lbs
4 lbs of hot.
And 4 lbs of Teriyaki
Mixed and...
Last post
They stuff a lot easier than if I let the meat rest overnight then stuff.
:idea: that will help me a lot in future, I always do the inverse (i.e. let it sit for a while then stuff afterwards), and stuffing is a lot more difficult then.
We never stop learning :wink:
- 15 Replies
Last post by Bubba
Mon Mar 04, 2013 19:00
CSABAI, Venison/Pork. First attempt
Replies: 14
Pete » Sat Dec 08, 2012 02:53
First post
Crusty44 was kind enough to advise of the wonders of CSABAI and I thought I'd give it a go using some super lean Sambar Deer venison and Pork.
I grabbed a pork runner (casing) from the local butcher, front 1/3rd of a pig from the abbattoir and a few things like Garlic, caraway seeds, chillie...
Last post
Taking this on board, thanks guys, much appreciated :grin:
- 14 Replies
Last post by Pete
Sat Jan 05, 2013 08:41
It's Deer Season Again
Replies: 15
el Ducko » Fri Nov 09, 2012 03:56
First post
Well, whataya know, it's deer season again. A neighbor brought back a nice looking specimen, shot down around Victoria. (Texas, not BC. Sorry, red z ed.) We mixed and stuffed about 10 lbs of sausage today. Will let it season and dry for a couple of days in the refrigerator, then smoke, then raise...
Last post
Redzed get yourself some 16'th inch wire and a big snare block lol
PETA?!?!? PETA is flatbread that you put slices of animal on to eat as far as I'm concerned!!
- 15 Replies
Last post by canadianwildman
Fri Jan 04, 2013 18:21
[Can] Moosestrami
Replies: 10
Big Guy » Sat Jul 23, 2011 18:12
First post
a moose sirloin roast to be trimmed
trimmed, pumped and in the brine, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 cup coarse salt, 20 cups water cure#1 , 1 Tbs pickling spice
now a fridge nap for 7-10 days
out of the brine and ready to rub
rubbed with ,1 tbs,pickling spice,1 tbs black pepper corns, 1 tbs...
Last post
Nice big guy!! I got some moose in the freezer, it's getting pulled out today for pastrami.
- 10 Replies
Last post by canadianwildman
Fri Jan 04, 2013 18:13
[USA] Tom's Venison Sausage
Replies: 21
vagreys » Tue Jan 03, 2012 19:26
First post
Back in the summer of 2008, a friend asked if I would make up some venison sausage for a party, if he provided the venison. He gave me enough venison and pork to make sausage for 35 for his backyard party. After that, I was out on the west coast for most of a year on a contract. It must have been...
Last post
Topic Split 11.09.12@00.25 by Chuckwagon. See, It's Deer Season Again in the Venison forum.
- 21 Replies
Last post by Chuckwagon
Fri Nov 09, 2012 08:26
Dead Deer Bacon
Replies: 8
Devo » Sat Nov 03, 2012 18:23
First post
So I had 4 lbs. of dead deer and 6 lbs. of dead pig and 1 lbs. of back fat. It went like this.
Dead deer meets dead pig
Let them do a hand shake and get down to making bacon. To this I added my maple bacon mix and 850 ML. of maple syrup. Should be good a maple flavored.
Into three cake...
Last post
Hey Devo,
At some stage, pre smoking I guess, you drained off the brine ?
Looks delicious, very innovative, never seen a bacon like product made of mince before this.
Some good ideas here :mrgreen:
- 8 Replies
Last post by Pete
Fri Nov 09, 2012 01:38
empty larder
Replies: 17
Big Guy » Fri Sep 21, 2012 23:32
First post
not really , but Im off for the next few weeks chasing bullwinkle to make sausages out of him. see you in about 2 weeks :mrgreen:
Last post
It is a rough life but somebody has to live it. Too Bad. :grin:
- 17 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Sun Oct 14, 2012 13:49
Venison dried hams
Replies: 11
crustyo44 » Tue Aug 28, 2012 23:48
First post
My cousin scored a hind venison leg. Can this be cured and dried like a prosciutto.
Any members with experience on how to do this?
Last post
Cure 1 is fine, just take use the proper amount based on the weight of the meat then make the difference up with salt. You are dealing with whole muscle rather than a mince so you are forming a barrier around the muscle. Is best to keep the thickness to four inches or less for the times I listed...
- 11 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Thu Aug 30, 2012 13:06
Venison jerky question
Replies: 16
Blackriver » Sat Jan 14, 2012 20:37
First post
I am going to make some venison jerky. I am looking at the recipe on page 522 in the book Home Production of quality meats and sausages . I am going to try this method of boiling the strips first in the marinade then tranfer them into the dehydrator. The question I have is why does the recipe not...
Last post
Anybody tried these? Very nice and tender too!
- 16 Replies
Last post by ajwillsnet
Thu Jul 26, 2012 16:33
A bit of venison sausage
Replies: 4
redzed » Tue Jun 26, 2012 17:00
First post
A friend gave me 4 lbs of venison, a few chops and ground. I added a couple pounds of beef and 5 lbs pork. Mixed in the Deer Sausage spice prep from the Sausagemaker, let the meat cure with it overnight and made the sausage the next day. Ground it once with a 10mm plate. Usually I grind the fatty...
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Hey Red,
That's a nice job pal! You've got a great color on them too. I'll bet they are tasty little devils eh? I like the Sausagemaker's mixes too. Abraham Abe Carducci used to mix them in Buffalo NY - Uncle Abe's is still a hot selling item. His jerky spice is really good. Keep up the good work...
- 4 Replies
Last post by Chuckwagon
Wed Jun 27, 2012 06:25
Venison Bratwurst
Replies: 2
DLFL » Wed Feb 22, 2012 18:38
First post
We really like bratwurst so decided to use venison along with the pork butt to reduce the fat. The test patty got the wife's approval so guess I am on the right track.
Venison Brat
3 lb pork butt
2 lb venison
2/3 cup water
2 Tbs sea salt
3 tsp white pepper
2 tsp marjoram, dry
1 tsp caraway...
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Oh yeah... you're gettin' the hang of it Dick! Lookin' good. :wink:
Best Wishes,
PS. Maybe we should tell beginners that to smoke these, they should add 1 tspn. of Cure #1 to the recipe.
- 2 Replies
Last post by Chuckwagon
Thu Feb 23, 2012 00:06
venison sausage to be wrapped in thin bread dough and baked.
Replies: 5
ssorllih » Sat Jan 21, 2012 03:09
First post
my sister gave me some of her old deer meat. Vacuum packed in 2008. I broke out a package today one pound eleven ounces and got out a pound of fat pork trimming.
They cut really neat when soft frozen.
I weighed out my seasonings and cure.
For 2.68 pounds or 1.2 kilograms of meat I used :
22 gm...
Last post
Syeve, this is the one.
- 5 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Sun Jan 22, 2012 19:29
Venison Slim Jims Batch
Replies: 5
nepas » Wed Jan 18, 2012 15:47
First post
Doing these in 3 lb batches.
1st up is black forest (in bowl) Teriyaki on deck (left)
Next is teriyaki.
BF & Teriyaki andging with hickory smoke going.
While those 2 batches are hanging i'm going to mix up some AC OP Nacho.
3 lbs of AC OP Nacho. Going to...
Last post
I read today that there are about 250 published and proven recipes for sausage. When I have encountered secretive people in the past I have simply worked around them and found that I always come out ahead.
When I first had opportunity to review this book:
I was impressed with how much print the...
- 5 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Thu Jan 19, 2012 04:05
pork/smoked deer boudin
Replies: 13
lowpull » Sat Jan 14, 2012 23:35
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10 lbs pork shoulder, 6.5 lbs smoked deer meat (hot smoked) rice will be cooked in the stock liquid. This will be bulk packaged in bags. Casings are just too expensive.
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I think that I know now the difference. When this is made without liver it can be crumbly but if it is made with the traditional amount of liver then the liver will serve as a binder to keep the sausage coherent.
- 13 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Mon Jan 16, 2012 01:05
Venison Black Forest Sticks
Replies: 7
nepas » Thu Jan 12, 2012 15:34
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These are of my own creation.
Mixed and stuffed lastnight.
Hanging this morning to smoke.
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Really look good.
- 7 Replies
Last post by DLFL
Thu Jan 12, 2012 23:31
Venison Pizza/Cheese Sticks
nepas » Thu Jan 12, 2012 15:38
Here i have 5 lbs of ground venison with a beef cut in.
Going with the AC OP Mix. If you have a mortar/pestle use it to break the powdered tomato thats in the mix.
Have 1/8 x 1/8 Mozzarella cubed and ready for the mix in.
Mixed and ready to stuff/smoke.
Didnt get to Lowes to...
- 0 Replies
Last post by nepas
Thu Jan 12, 2012 15:38
When to add spice?
Replies: 5
ssorllih » Wed Jan 04, 2012 18:01
First post
A few days ago I perpared meat for a batch of loukanika sausage modified to use venison instead of lamb. Basically this recipe: With three changes lamb replaced with venison and the orange peel was chopped zest instead of grated and the herbs were substituted with italian seasoning. I mixed all of...
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Snagmans csabai recipe lists that all the spices are mixed with the meat pieces before mincing and his recipe dates back many years. I have expanded a bit on this and I mix all the spices and the boiled garlic in a food processor for a very short time and than mix it with the meat pieces before...
- 5 Replies
Last post by crustyo44
Thu Jan 05, 2012 03:59
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