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Post Pics of your Smokers!!
Replies: 237
JerBear » Tue Sep 20, 2011 00:18
First post
I'm hoping to build my first smoker in about 3 weeks and am looking to poach some ideas. I've looked at a lot of stuff online but I prefer to look at real-word applications so care to show what you've built or purchased?
Last post
The biggest revelation this year though came when I put the lard I rendered last year into a cast iron dutch oven and made some fried chicken.
Hey Reggie I got that revelation too. I started raising my own pigs a couple years ago, and when it's your own pig you don't want to waste anything. So I...
- 237 Replies
Last post by Reggie
Wed Dec 24, 2014 19:41
Stawiany's Meat Smokers
Replies: 7
Maxell » Wed Feb 16, 2011 16:16
First post
Hobby2 Smoking chamber is used for smoking fish, meat and meat products.
Perfect for small bars and catering. Can be used outdoors
The cabinet is made of stainless steel. Sheathing made of sheet steel. Fasteners are made of stainless steel.
Structural elements have a...
Last post
The prices starts from 4500 EUR for HOBBY2.
Ok can anyone quickly tell me how much this is in US Dollars?
Never mind, I looked it up it's like $5400.00 US
IM OUT! :???:
- 7 Replies
Last post by Kijek
Mon Jan 08, 2018 02:31
Smoke Generators - Venturi Type
Replies: 93
Seminole » Thu Dec 08, 2011 21:49
First post
We have been experimenting with venturi smoke generators and found them reliable and working well. A new section Smoke Generators has been added to our site. We hope you will find the information useful.
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Bumper. I have a Brinkman knock off water smoker (bradly look but coal fired) I have used a 1600w plate and an amazing tube for the past few years and the tube lets me cold smoke (ambient outside temps + 5c). With the burner on full I run at 160f when its 20c outside.
Mine is a Saltan brand.
- 93 Replies
Last post by LOEBER74
Tue Jul 18, 2017 18:04
Cadillac by StefanS
Replies: 19
StefanS » Thu Feb 26, 2015 15:12
First post
Hi All.
As promised - today will start posting my photo report building my smoker.
Foundation - leveled and compacted, crushed stone, double layer of weedblocker, and 2 sand.
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As long as its good, no one really seems to care.
I can only agree with you. :lol:
Hey, and you did a marvelous job on your smoker. I like it!
- 19 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Mon Apr 11, 2016 02:13
Smoke house with central air
Replies: 8
Swallow » Wed Jan 18, 2012 22:50
First post
I hear quite a bit about cold smoking, at what temp do you fellas cold smoke, and how do you get to that temp?
Firstly my smoke house is made of 1/16 steel rolled round to five foot diameter standing six foot high , blanketed by 4 fiberglass insulation and then covered in stucco wire and mortared...
Last post
I've heard a lot about cold smoking; what temperature do you guys cold smoke at, and how do you get to that temperature?
First and foremost, my smoke house is made of 1/16 thick plastic Steel rolled to a five-foot diameter and standing six feet tall, covered in 4 fiberglass insulation, stucco coax...
- 8 Replies
Last post by howdycameron21
Fri Oct 01, 2021 11:12
Smokehouse Modification
Replies: 19
Butterbean » Thu Aug 13, 2020 14:17
First post
Productive day yesterday as I had some good help modifying my smokehouse. I had designed and built this myself and though it worked like a champ there were a few things I thought could be better. I sought to increase the draw through the house so I did this by raising the roof some and then adding...
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We purchased a new convection oven for the house and it got me to thinking that I might try to a convection type system in the smokehouse. I have plenty of draft in the smokehouse so it might not make that big of a difference but the idea was in my head and I thought I'd give it a try anyway...
- 19 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Thu Feb 18, 2021 18:49
Commercial type smoker build
Tunasmoker » Thu Dec 10, 2020 06:39
I have a bread proofer that is 6x4x8. Can anyone give me ideas on the best way to heat. It has 2 doors and sits on the floor. I don't want anything on the bottom so I can roll my racks directly into the smoker. I think it needs to be gas because I'm not sure I have the available circuits to run 3...
- 0 Replies
Last post by Tunasmoker
Thu Dec 10, 2020 06:39
MiniMax Smokehouse
Replies: 10
IFB » Wed Oct 23, 2019 02:09
First post
Here it is, my modest urban smokehouse that uses a MiniMax Green Egg as a fire pit.
I had a heck of a time making it work how I wanted it to, went through 3 redesigns but now it finally works like a charm.
Why green egg? I wanted something portable, reliable and requiring little (or at least...
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Thanks for the links. I really love me some garlic so I'm going to be on the lookout for some more shoulder to make the garlic kielbasa
- 10 Replies
Last post by Scogar
Fri Jan 03, 2020 13:05
New Smoker Build Questions
Replies: 5
65valiantwin » Mon Dec 02, 2019 21:54
First post
Hi guys/girls,
I'm just starting a new smoker build, I'm using a proofing cabinet similar to this one as a base
I'm hoping its perfect for my needs as i needed something bigger than my masterbuilt, also, this will hold temps up to 180F and maintain humidity where I'd like. I'll be...
Last post
Let us know how it works out and post some pics of the finished project.
I'd like to see how it works out for ya too.
- 5 Replies
Last post by DanMcG
Sun Dec 08, 2019 10:40
Replies: 9
Agoracritus » Mon Jun 10, 2019 07:09
First post
I recently constructed a cold smoke generator that is completely “off the map”.
Rather than going with a conventional Venturi style system, I made a an enclosed and pressurized system that heats and smolders the wood chips/pellets entirely with an electric burner.
The downside of this design was...
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Looks good! What type of dry cured sausage did you smoke?
Thanks Bob. The sausages on the left of the pic I posted earlier are an experimental batch of Landjaegers (different sizes, shapes and diameters) to see how they dry differently. The sausages on the right, are a batch of Landjaegers how I...
- 9 Replies
Last post by Agoracritus
Tue Jun 18, 2019 20:59
upright freezer into a smoker
Replies: 7
zjarhead » Fri Dec 25, 2015 20:45
First post
Once upon a time, in a galaxy far-far away, somewhere on the internet, a gentleman posted how and why he used a surplus upright freezer to build his smoker. There were lots of pictures in a well thought paper complete with part numbers for remote temperature controllers from Grainger and other...
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The eBay seller as below was the one that I purchased the eBook for the conversion that I used for the upright freezer conversion.
I haven't visited him for a while but do see now that he doesn't have any eBooks available on his sight.
Send him an email as you are describing his equipment to...
- 7 Replies
Last post by spud
Sun Feb 24, 2019 09:27
Smoker help
Replies: 31
LOUSANTELLO » Fri Dec 28, 2018 04:48
First post
Well. I know nothing about smoking, but I do know I want the ability to hot smoke AND cold smoke. I`m not building a house. LOL. Looking for something that will do well for both, hopefully semi-automatic. Discs or pellets are most likely fine. Any good suggestions? I want to buy it once. Is there a...
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Has anybody used any of his premixed seasonings? Just curious.
I use PS Seasoning 260-B Italian sausage seasoning exclusively. I used to mix my own but after trying this the first time I loved the flavor, and got rave reviews from my friends. Another great aspect of using this is that I gat the...
- 31 Replies
Last post by sawhorseray
Sat Jan 05, 2019 21:52
New smoker questions
Replies: 1
65valiantwin » Wed Jan 02, 2019 18:26
First post
Hi guys,
I'm looking at converting a bread proofer to a smoker with the following dimensions :
Width: 25 1/8 Inches
Depth: 30 1/4 Inches
Height: 69 3/4 Inches
It is temperature controllable up to 190deg F. and you can control the humidity as well. It's all aluminum except for the door. I only...
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Thought I'd throw my 2 cents in.
The first smoker I had was 2ftx2ftx6ft high - non insulated. Very difficult to keep the temp constant throughout, especially in the balmy -30C temps that we experience here. A few times, the bottoms of the sausages were already done but the tops weren't. In warmer...
- 1 Replies
Last post by jjnurk
Wed Jan 02, 2019 21:10
Humidity in Smoker
Replies: 1
hbohnet » Tue Dec 11, 2018 02:20
First post
Hi all, new to the site and new to fermented sausage so hope someone can give some good advice. My first batch of Salami and Sujuk is in the meat chamber and drying about 2 weeks now. All is going well and averaging about 1% weight loss per day. I put the Sujuk in the smoker for about 12 hrs and...
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Hi hbohmet and welcome to our forum. I'm happy that you decided to join us.
Smoking does indeed dry sausage, even when we cold smoke. And that is what we want, just not too fast so that case hardening does not occur to the point that migration of water from the inside is severely affected. One...
- 1 Replies
Last post by redzed
Tue Dec 11, 2018 18:20
Show pictures of your smokehouse
Replies: 3
Knifeman » Sun Feb 18, 2018 23:32
First post
I'm not sure if this has been a thread on here yet ,if so the mods can delete my post. It would be nice if you could show your smokehouses with a description of them as well . If completely home built what went into building them . Would sure help us newbies !
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Well that one (picture thread) can be added to anytime and is just for quick pics...
Lots of newer threads with much more detail if you take the time to explore the Smokehouses. Construction and Maintenance forum.... from commercial to reverse flow to Cadillacs!
- 3 Replies
Last post by Bob K
Mon Feb 19, 2018 13:55
Cinderblock smokehouse, now with reverse flow
Replies: 1
Sleebus » Fri May 05, 2017 01:40
First post
Y'all may remember the cinderblock pit I built a week or so ago in another thread
Well. I'm back with a new and improved version! Some quibbles with the last one:
Firebox is too small, requiring frequent tending
Small size makes it hard to load...gotta get down on your hands and knees
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I love reverse flow. That's the only way I will do BBQ.
- 1 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Fri May 05, 2017 02:41
Smokehouse experiment
Replies: 3
Sleebus » Sun Apr 23, 2017 03:54
First post
So, having some room and some spare cinderblocks, I figured why not make a smoker today?
Doesn't take much to blacken everything up.
Looks like this has been in operation for...well...longer than a few hours!
So some good learnings here. First off, it's too small to be useful. I...
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I'd love to use this for smoking sausage etc. but the problem is getting the temps down low enough. It's a struggle to get down to 170°, and that's still too hot for my tastes. I'd like to run no hotter than 150°, but I'm going to have to do something different to do that. I may end up going to a...
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Last post by Sleebus
Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:51
Need help on choosing a smoker pipe to for smoke house
Replies: 9
king kabanos » Thu Apr 06, 2017 23:09
First post
Hi everyone I am stuck in a little pickle here with a pipe for my smoker . I bought a double wall galvanized 6 inch in diameter pipe from Home Depot for my smoker and it's been working fine for a year but now when I through a log in there and there is a lot flames and heat I smell this burning...
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That's good pipe there. I use it for exhaust vents on reverse flow wood smokers I build. Never had any rust through - yet. Far better than that chimney pipe tin. You can also paint the outside with that high temp black paint. You might see a little rust form near the fire box but painting it should...
- 9 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Fri Apr 07, 2017 16:18
New Smoker build
Replies: 1
BlueMonkey » Sun Jan 01, 2017 15:23
First post
Well, first day of the New Year and the temperature was a shade under 34C ( 94 F) at 08:30 this morning.
What better day to turn to a new Cold smoker..... :roll:
Thought what I may do is post some pics on the way so that others could follow, or offer advise before I make a big mistake.....
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Looks nice. I like your idea on the use of the blocks. You may have already thought of this but when I did mine I found a piece of expanded metal and layed it over the opening of the smoke pipe and bent the edges down where it would fit fairly flush then when the concrete was poured this glued this...
- 1 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Sun Jan 01, 2017 18:34
- 0 Replies
Last post by nuynai
Sat Dec 10, 2016 17:13
Smoke generator by StefanS
Replies: 8
StefanS » Fri Sep 16, 2016 02:16
First post
Some time ago I started to think about improve my Cadillac by REAL COLD smoking. Thanks to additional motivation by Redzed, in last few days I have made it.
1/8 thick stainless steel plates - pain in the neck to cut them then weld them then cut some more, then weld then cut then grind them
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Thanks for suggestions. I have consider these problems highlighted in your post Chris, so just thinking about Butterbean suggestion plus get motor speed controller for that particular fan, or get commercial aquarium air pump. Not decides yet.
- 8 Replies
Last post by StefanS
Mon Nov 07, 2016 17:41
curing chamber as smoker?
Replies: 1
BlueMonkey » Wed Sep 07, 2016 03:40
First post
Being from the warmer Climes and unable to cold-smoke for more than 6 months of the year I suddenly had a thought.
Would I be able to use a working fridge / curing chamber as a cold smoker?
Firstly, I recognise once the temperatures need to increase to finish cooking I would need to move to my...
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There are some ideas /info on cold smokers here :
and :
- 1 Replies
Last post by Bob K
Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:04
SS racks
Replies: 4
pignout » Wed Mar 16, 2016 19:42
First post
Any ideas on having some ss racks made. 24x21 would work but the prices Im seeing are un believable. some where around 70.00 sq ft. Between the racks and a stand for them to set on it will be worth as much as the rest of the smoker. Don't think my wife will return to work so im in a pickle. Any...
Last post
You can often find a variety of used SS racks at places where they sell used appliaces.
- 4 Replies
Last post by redzed
Sat Mar 19, 2016 04:56
Smoker Questions
Replies: 13
LOUSANTELLO » Sun Mar 06, 2016 09:49
First post
How are these Bradley smokers? How easy are they to moved around once assembled?
Last post
Lou , probably the nicest smoker with the widest temp range (65-250f) is the Pro 100 like Redzed has.
Its not light weight and needs to be wheeled around.
Cabela's also sells it.
You will still need an (exterior) smoke generator to cold smoke at low temps
- 13 Replies
Last post by Bob K
Wed Mar 09, 2016 17:40
Finished Smokehouse - pic heavy
Replies: 10
bamsbbq » Mon Sep 28, 2015 08:34
First post
it took me a few days of building. let me clarify, i have zero carpentry
i use tongue and groove fence boards - they were cheaper to buy in full length panels and remove each board than to buy each board individually.
made with cedar - propane heated - amazentube for cold smoking...
Last post
For someone with minimal carpentry skills that's a job you can be proud of. It's wonderful and should provide many years of service. Again job well done. Tom
- 10 Replies
Last post by Tom
Fri Dec 04, 2015 02:28
Cold Smoking in Texas
Replies: 15
Chef_Raoul » Sat Sep 05, 2015 00:49
First post
Hi Guys,
Sadly, if I'm going to cold smoke, I need to build something to cool and maintain cold smoking conditions. To anyone's knowledge, has someone built a cold smoker to use in hot areas? I haven't been able to locate anything yet?
I need to design something that could cold smoke in ambient...
Last post
I agree. I think the retarder would fit the bill perfectly for cold smoking. The proofer would be better for a fermenting chamber or a regular smoker because its designed for higher temps.
Wish you were closer because I could give you a bargain on a two door stainless retarder that works...
- 15 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Wed Sep 16, 2015 21:55
gas valve question
Replies: 16
cmunson3 » Wed Jun 24, 2015 05:02
First post
Hello, I'm brand new here and to forums in general. I tried searching a question I had but to no avail. I'm building a new and improved smokehouse and need to hook up my gas valve to a 24v transformer. Thermostat is a ronco 120v thermo that goes directly to the 24v. So essentially the transformer...
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I am lucky to have natural gas.
- 16 Replies
Last post by partycook
Sun Sep 06, 2015 18:06
smoke pipe question
Replies: 7
king kabanos » Fri Jun 26, 2015 04:32
First post
hey everyone i have a question about my smoke pipe going into my smoke house. the pipe i have is a 6 inch inside diameter duct pipe and heats the smoke house great but preety much only in the middle which is fine for a little batch but when the smoke house is full i want even heat in the back and...
Last post
I solved the problem with my smaller smoker. The chips and sawdust mix are kept smouldering/smoking by means of a 3 speed aquarium pump with 2 outlets.
One outlet is directed at the wood mix the other outlet is angled inside slightly upwards, this distributes the smoke all around the inside and out...
- 7 Replies
Last post by crustyo44
Sun Jun 28, 2015 07:39
Croatian Cold Smoker 5 Metres High
Replies: 13
Ant » Wed Mar 18, 2015 04:40
First post
Hi, I reposted this topic as I now know what it is and the art in which to use it.
I just sat down with my friend for hours and talked all about his technique of smoking. While we chatted I ate pork that had basically been cured outside on a plastic picnic table with a tea towel.
I have been...
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Out of habit, pasted in language Polish. Sorry. :D
- 13 Replies
Last post by Maxell
Fri Mar 20, 2015 22:56
5 Metre High Smoker?
Replies: 8
Ant » Sun Mar 15, 2015 06:49
First post
I have a Croatian friend that has a smoker 5 metres+ high. He loads up the fire on the ground then climbs a ladder 5 metre high. At the top is a big square enclosed stainless steel box and he hangs his meat. It is that big you can climb inside and have a party.
Can anyone please explain this...
Last post
Hey Ant,
I'm from the same neighborhood. I remember the time before we had electricity, we used kerosine lamps, and unpaved roads, and outhouses, and no indoor pluming etc.....
I still make sausages like that too. Here is a recipe for you. I've seen those smokers, and was helping. We loaded the...
- 8 Replies
Last post by Ant
Mon Mar 16, 2015 01:07
Cold smoking with smoke generator
Replies: 5
Huntandcook » Mon Mar 09, 2015 22:38
First post
I have build my own cold smoking chamber with smoke generator. This construktion makes it possible to control the temperature to 100%. I usually smoke with temperatures from 35-50F (2-10 C) and I can do this all year around without having any concerns about the temperature outside. Check out my...
Last post
Huntandcook welcome to the brotherhood and thanks for posting that video. That is one great setup. Looks like you put a lot of work into setting it up. I also am very impressed with your smoke generators. Please post pictures or videos of your products when you make Them.
When I first started cold...
- 5 Replies
Last post by Huntandcook
Tue Mar 10, 2015 20:52
Masterbuilt Electric Smokers
Replies: 5
crustyo44 » Fri Oct 17, 2014 06:41
First post
Hi Members,
A friend of mine would like some advise on the Masterbuilt Electric smokers.
After buying a Hark electric smoker he found out that it won't work properly under any conditions.
After a lot of phone calls he will be getting his money back.
He asked me for advise but I have never even seen...
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duk, here's the forum that I always frequent with questions and such. It's more geared towards smoked meat rather than sausage, although it does have some great recipes and people for help. It's the subforum for electric smoker, and it seems to electric smoker of choice on the forum is the MES 30...
- 5 Replies
Last post by sawhorseray
Sat Oct 18, 2014 01:08
Could I please pick your minds
Replies: 46
Butterbean » Fri Feb 22, 2013 03:12
First post
For some time I've been wanting to build a larger smoker that can cold and hot smoke. I have an abundance of oak and pecan so most of my smokers are wood fired so I wanted to continue taking advantage of this wood supply. However, where I live its flat so my build had to work around flat topography...
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Bean, I came across this post on your smokehouse and am jealous to say the least. Since this is an older thread and you were working the bugs out, I'm sure you've perfected everything by now.
So I just wanted to ask how the smokehouse has been working out for you? Are you supplying all the...
- 46 Replies
Last post by Rick
Sun Oct 05, 2014 16:11
First Smoker and Question
Replies: 4
Flaffer » Tue Jun 10, 2014 01:32
First post
I inherited this old fridge turned smoker from my brother, who passed recently. He was the smoke master in the family and I would like to continue the tradition. Please bear with me as I am somewhat new to smoking. I took his design and added a pid unit to control the temp and element, and also...
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I have Smoke daddy for 4 years - mainly got it for cold smoking. Works perfect ... if you have too thick smoke - you need to allow air to flow. When I started the same was happening for me ... Generator needs to warm up or just be hot to touch , only then you will be able to softly regulate smoke...
- 4 Replies
Last post by vietinis
Wed Jun 11, 2014 22:21
I stole a new Bradley smoker
Replies: 13
redzed » Thu May 22, 2014 06:42
First post
Today I picked up a Bradley original smoker for 30 bucks at Habitat' Re-Store. Looks like it was started once but not used. Everything about it is brand new. There was a note that the heating element does not work. Will check it out when I have more time, maybe it's only the fuse. If not, I have a...
Last post
The Alec Upfold smoker model you need costs only NZ $ 100.00. You looked at the bigger one suitable for 9X10 professional smoke houses.
Cheers Mate,
Upfold has a whole whack of videos about his generator on youtube but almost nothing out there about prices, shipping, etc. I will try to...
- 13 Replies
Last post by redzed
Thu May 29, 2014 16:28
Cold Smoker
Replies: 6
Chuckwagon » Sun May 18, 2014 11:50
First post
Joe (Gulyas) my friend,
Your cold smoker is a beautiful set up. And it looks like you put it to good use too. What's next pal? Do you ever make Krainerwurst?
Best Wishes,
Last post
Thank you Gus, gardening is one of my hobbies.
- 6 Replies
Last post by Gulyás
Thu May 22, 2014 01:09
can i stain my wooden smoker to prevent warping of the wood
Replies: 2
king kabanos » Tue May 20, 2014 18:03
First post
i want to stain my smoker with some deck stain from home depot because one side of my smoker is starting to warp from my grandma watering the plants and trees near the smoker. i tell her not to water close to it but she is 90 years old and nearly blind and also a polish grandma that loves her...
Last post
cool i am going to put a nice cherry or mahogany stain thanks
- 2 Replies
Last post by king kabanos
Tue May 20, 2014 22:37
Smoke sticks?
Replies: 1
Blackriver » Mon Apr 07, 2014 02:54
First post
Hello I am going to try to make snack sticks with natural sheep casings soon and was wondering if wooden dowels from the hardware store would work well for smoke sticks for hanging them? I just want to make sure I use something that will be safe for using inside a smoker.
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Those are ok.
- 1 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Mon Apr 07, 2014 05:26
Red Cedar Smoker?
Replies: 6
ssorllih » Sun Mar 09, 2014 05:33
First post
carpster, your bacon looks great but your smoker looks like red cedar. After the first couple of runs it won't smell like a gerbil any more. ;-)
Last post
I have a friend who lined a closet with red cedar and his step daughter came in and gave him a hug and asked, Don, Why do you smell like a gerbil ?
If you can't do it in Missouri it in Missouri Oak....or Missouri Hickory, or Missouri Walnut, or Missouri Osage Orange or......but don't...
- 6 Replies
Last post by Carpster
Fri Mar 14, 2014 01:09
Smokehouse Temperature Issues
Replies: 2
checkerfred » Sat Feb 22, 2014 07:06
First post
Topic Was Split 031714@0730 by CW from this link:
Thanks Gray Goat! I'll give that a try. I did notice my smoker temps not always reading true to what it was set at. I have a masterbuilt SS 40 and i read on another forum that people were having problems with it in colder weather. I also think...
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What I have learned with using electric smokers is what really helps with maintaining temps is to make sure you heat it well before using, especially when the ambient temp is on the lower end of the scale. When I want to dry or smoke my sausage at 130, I preheat it to 150 or 160. Once I load the...
- 2 Replies
Last post by redzed
Sun Feb 23, 2014 08:27
Replies: 3
GrillinGlen » Sun Jan 26, 2014 03:03
First post
I'm redoing an old 48 stainless propane smoker, took out the burner and replaced with an electric element on digital controller. I've heavily insulated the top and the walls, is there a benefit to insulating the floor. Since heat is rising I wasn't sure. I apologize if this is a silly question....
Last post
Thanks much, makes good sense, I'll do it. I have enough heat to get it as hot as I want, the concern is that the lower part of the chamber would get too hot because the element is cranking hard to keep up with the heat loss. everything but the floor is heavily insulated, I'll deal with that next....
- 3 Replies
Last post by GrillinGlen
Sun Jan 26, 2014 17:04
Cleaning smokers
Replies: 12
nuynai » Sat Oct 19, 2013 19:08
First post
Hello everyone. Question I have is, how often do you clean a stainless steel smoker and is it necessary. I've got a 20 lb. stainless steel smoker and gunk builds up in it. Is it necessary to clean all these byproducts or can you let it ride. This was a result of technical difficulties- aka, my...
Last post
Just make sure you keep the internal top clean of flakes that can fall off on whatever you are smoking.
Good Luck,
- 12 Replies
Last post by crustyo44
Thu Jan 23, 2014 20:16
Landmann 40 inch electric smoker, Model 32902
Replies: 7
redzed » Wed Jun 12, 2013 20:15
First post
Picked up one of these at Cstco for $450, with cover. Will try it out next week when I return from a hiking trip on the West Coast.
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I didn't know you had to go pick it up, remember what I said in the PM, the thing weighs 200 pounds, good to have a little help. One more thing I thought to tell you, don't wreck the box getting it unpacked. The box is styrafoam form-fitted on the top. I cut mine off as you'll see in the pic and...
- 7 Replies
Last post by sawhorseray
Sat Oct 12, 2013 23:28
cold smoker design with proQ cold smoke generator and old fr
Replies: 7
sambal badjak » Fri Jul 19, 2013 14:04
First post
Hi All,
I am pretty new at all this. I have done some warm smoking with a stove top smoker, but never any cold smoking.
I have just ordered a proQ cold smoke generator and it should be here early August.
I a, thinking in placing the proQ inside a fridge. I have an old one with a glass door (so I...
Last post
Hey guys,
I changed my design radically and it is now a drum smoker, loosely based on Marianski design for a metal sheet smoker. Definitely not light weight though!
I am not sure if I posted a picture yet, but I will put one at the bottom of this post anyway
I appreciate your concers, but,...
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Last post by sambal badjak
Fri Sep 13, 2013 09:02
my smoker
Replies: 4
sambal badjak » Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:07
First post
Just thought I would share my smoker design with you.
I managed to get hold of a steel drum of 120 cm high with a diameter of 51 cm (it is the inside of a coil of plated steel)
We went welding and cutting.
The smoker got 2 baffles inside for a better smoke distribution and this also enables me...
Last post
I just need to find out a bit more about cold smoking fish.
My next project is going to be smoked sausages.
I have a couple of questions there, but that will be a separate post.
- 4 Replies
Last post by sambal badjak
Sun Sep 08, 2013 07:43
Cedar smokehouse construction
Replies: 85
atcNick » Fri Nov 16, 2012 01:12
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I started construction on a new smokehouse several weeks ago. Its going slow, never seem to have enough time to work on it. Im making it out of ceder, it will sit on a row or 2 of cinder blocks and have a seperate firebox with smoke/heat piped in. My plan is to have this function as a hot smoker...
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You mentioned in your first post that you wanted this to function as both a hot and a cold smoker. What is the hottest you feel comfortable running it safely?
I would like to build something similar and was curious the temp range you are able to achieve.
I don't plan on using it over...
- 85 Replies
Last post by atcNick
Sun Sep 01, 2013 02:24
SS freezer Smoker build- aluminium interior question
Replies: 10
tobertuzzi » Wed Mar 06, 2013 19:23
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So Im starting this build. I know there is talk of not using aluminium in smokers because of the possibility of emitting gasses at higher temps.
This is from the spec sheet of my freezer
Interior - attractive, NSF approved, white
aluminum liner. 300 series stainless floor
with coved corners....
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when in doubt .... heat it up higher than you'll ever smoke .... then get a good coating of smoke on the inside ..... no shortage of lil'cheif smokers out there , never heard of anyone having a problem .... better safe than sorry..
* the only dumb question is the one that don't get asked *
- 10 Replies
Last post by DYI Steve
Mon Aug 26, 2013 05:16
PS Seasoning Smokers
Replies: 10
sawhorseray » Wed Aug 08, 2012 15:07
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It appears thing aren't going to work out with the Sausage Maker Inc and that I'll be in the market for a new smokehouse. I see the Cabelas Pro Series 50 & 100 smokers are made by PS Seasonings right here in America. I'm wondering if anyone has had some experience with these smokers, or knows...
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When you talk to Ray make sure you get an invitation to watch how he cures and smokes his 7UP chicken.
Good Luck,.
- 10 Replies
Last post by crustyo44
Mon Jul 01, 2013 03:14
Smoker Construction Help
Replies: 4
ptrescott » Tue Jun 04, 2013 23:33
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So this is my first post to the forum, although i've been surfing the site for a while now.
here is my issue... i'm doing an internship making cheese in Ohio. we make Gouda and want to start smoking it. I didn't think it would be too hard, so i did a little research, re-purposed some...
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If I were you, I'd look into the A-Maze-N smoke generators.
You can place them directly into your smoke chamber and they'll eliminate a lot of headaches!
Send the owner Todd a message with all of your specifics and he'll recommend the best solution.
- 4 Replies
Last post by Baconologist
Wed Jun 05, 2013 06:38
My new Smokehouse check it out
Replies: 21
king kabanos » Wed May 08, 2013 19:25
First post
Hi everyone just finished my smoke house and i am so happy to start smoking kielbasa. Can someone tell me the best way i will get alot of draft in my smokehouse. I have some questions about my firebox. Should i have it closed all the way with the metal plate or just remove the plate at all times...
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That looks good so far. Do remember that it is all trial and error.
In all my smokers big and small, I also have had an adjustable damper in the chimney.
The reason is simple, sometimes it is beneficial to delay the smoke for a short time in the smokehouse. The chimney damper should always be...
- 21 Replies
Last post by crustyo44
Tue Jun 04, 2013 06:30
Where to buy a smoke generator?
Replies: 1
ArthurA » Wed May 15, 2013 02:53
First post
Could you please tell me where could I buy a smoke generator, that is similar to this one? This is really urgent, so I hope that you could direct me to some companies /webpages. Many thanks!
Last post
Hi Arthur,
Smoke generators like what you want are only made in China now I believe, although a manufacturer in Poland has something similar. I don't know his name but Google will get you to his website.
For China go to and search for Smoke Generators. Several available from Henan...
- 1 Replies
Last post by crustyo44
Wed May 15, 2013 05:41
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