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Testing pH
Replies: 30
Shuswap » Sun Jan 17, 2016 16:30
First post
Our Daily Brine has published a free e-book on how to measure pH in food and drink.
Last post
No. Haven't had any reason to do that. I'm not worried about pH till the meat has been chilled and cut up. I only use pH to tweak the amount of sugar added then to monitor whether the pH is dropping at the rate it should be. This, in itself, tells me about all I need to know.
- 30 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Sat Feb 11, 2017 01:30
Shrink and water activity comparison (Aw)
Replies: 24
Butterbean » Fri Apr 15, 2016 20:20
First post
Am not a meat scientist so please bare this in mind when you read this but I have been trying to get my head around water activity and meat shrink an charted this relationship and thought someone might find this informative. Granted, there are many factors influencing the binding of water but I...
Last post
Noob question but does 4-1 denote april 1st? So it took you about 2 weeks to reach .83 aw?
- 24 Replies
Last post by fordtruckbeast
Fri Feb 25, 2022 17:12
Calculating Legal Amounts Of Sodium Nitrite
Replies: 37
Chuckwagon » Wed Apr 18, 2012 09:54
First post
Calculating Legal Amounts Of Sodium Nitrite
During the mid 1970`s, I became interested in a congressional hearing that took place to define safe limits on the amount of nitrates and nitrites introduced into our meat products. It was determined by a panel of doctors that the...
Last post
Just search for USDA regs on a product, a lot more out there than we need.
The best suggestion I found so far from some corners of the internet is if you are so worried, find another hobby .
Well you may be a bit over cautious. :shock: :grin:
- 37 Replies
Last post by Bob K
Wed Feb 08, 2017 17:06
Testing pH Acidity Using Litmus Paper
Replies: 6
Chuckwagon » Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:59
First post
Testing pH Using Litmus Paper
U.S. Government FSIS meat inspectors and professional commercial sausage makers use battery powered devices for measuring the acidity (pH) in meat as well as Water Activity (Aw) during dehydration. The PawKit (for testing Aw) is a quality-made product by Decagon...
Last post
Bob, I mixed the meat sample with bottled distilled water at ratio of one part meat and two parts water. Using the distilled water, I didn't test the pH as I assumed it at 7.0.
Both strips were used to test the meat pH, but only the one registered. As I also expected both strips to react, have to...
- 6 Replies
Last post by redzed
Thu Oct 30, 2014 15:59
Woods for Smoking
Replies: 6
Chuckwagon » Wed Jul 20, 2011 01:59
First post
Woods Used For Smoking
Acacia is similar to mesquite but not as strong. Acacia should be used in small amounts or for limited amounts of time.
Alder has a light flavor that works well with fish and poultry. Alder is the traditional choice for smoking Salmon.
Almond is similar to pecan and...
Last post
Three times lately I have smoked meat with pear. Twice I have done salmon and once chicken. Each time I am surprized at the very pale color that I gain compared with hickory or maple. Even applewood imparts more color than does pearwood. The flavor is very pleasing.
- 6 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Mon Dec 10, 2012 03:41
How Salt Is Measured In Brine
Replies: 2
Chuckwagon » Mon Aug 15, 2011 03:49
First post
How Salt Is Measured In Brine
If the salt in the sea could be removed and spread evenly over the Earth's land surface, it would form a layer more than 500 feet thick. Seawater averages 3.5% salt. When a cubic foot of seawater evaporates, it yields about 2.2 pounds of salt. In contrast, the fresh...
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So then if I want a 37 degree brine I can multiply 37 times .264% and get about 9.8 percent salt . Then if I have a quart of water and wish to make a brine I multiply 32 ounces of water by 9.8 percent salt and get 3 and 1/8 ounces of salt. Right?
- 2 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Fri Dec 16, 2011 23:44
Direct acidification with Lactic Acid in cooked salami: texture vs ferment
Replies: 7
Dave in AZ » Tue Sep 20, 2022 00:22
First post
I used the SEARCH and read 33 topics on Lactic Acid, and 15 on citric acid. All but one were discussing lactic acid producion by bacterial ferment.
My question is this: in a cooked salami, why would meat texture from direct lactic acid addition be any worse or more crumbly than that achieved by a...
Last post
Found my old thread. Follow up. I read a bunch of meat science studies. Basically, there is a limit to how fast of a pH drop meat can take without ruining the protein bonds and making it crumbly.
Great explanation, thanks!
- 7 Replies
Last post by michi
Mon Jun 17, 2024 23:00
"Anti-Oxidants - Pros and Cons"
Replies: 26
Igor Duńczyk » Sat Sep 28, 2013 16:55
First post
This topic is continued from the split topic: Seeking Sumac Sausages . at this link:
Hi Chuck !
I think this now calls for a new topic or thread on Anti-Oxidants - Pros and Cons or something in that vein as I sense a whiff of witch hunt regarding the use of sodium erythorbate in cured meats....
Last post
I believe were quoting Igor further back in this thread. To answer your question:
Welcome to the Forum!
Actually Ascorbic acid is used and is approved by the FDA as a cure accelerator. However it should not be mixed at the same time as you are adding nitrites as they react violently and cause...
- 26 Replies
Last post by Bob K
Sun Sep 06, 2020 12:58
Celery Powder Nitrate? Get the butter!
Replies: 33
Butterbean » Tue Apr 23, 2013 15:48
First post
I was just watching Diners Drive-ins and Dives last night and saw where a fella was making bacon and he said they didn't use nitrates because they were bad for you and were the cause of many of today's health problems. Instead he injected the pork with copius amounts of celery juice. He explained...
Last post
What bothers me the most about this subject is when people criticize other producers with false claims concerning food safety and such. This hurts everyone in the end. I believe quality will always sell and it will always warrant a better price so when someone stoops to using false claims I think...
- 33 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Thu Jul 23, 2020 22:11
EQ in Commercial production
Replies: 4
farmboy236 » Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:08
First post
Is an Equilibrium Cure permitted in commercial production?
Last post
Yes it is. However it is rarely used because of the time involved. Most all whole muscle cuts are injected
For me it depends on the size of the piece being cured. For coppa or loin I find an EQ cure works fine, but for very large pieces like a whole ham it can take a long time and be a bit...
- 4 Replies
Last post by reddal
Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:38
- 0 Replies
Last post by redzed
Mon Mar 02, 2020 05:33
Fibrous Casing Adhesion
Replies: 11
Micro-Ice » Thu Nov 28, 2019 14:06
First post
Greeting Everyone!
I stumbled upon this site a while ago, very awesome compilation of information.
I enjoy making summer sausage and feel as though it is perfect (at least for my taste), with one exception. The casings seem to become loose during the cooking process and sometimes has undesirable...
Last post
All of these suggestions are helpful. What does everyone use for their poaching vessel? I'm challenged trying to find something large enough to cook multiple sausages that are 24 long. Perhaps I need to have something made.
- 11 Replies
Last post by Micro-Ice
Wed Jan 01, 2020 12:11
Peanut fed pigs
Replies: 1
Butterbean » Fri Dec 06, 2019 16:47
First post
I mentioned something the other day about soft fat on peanut fed pigs and Redzed asked about it but I was unable to find the paper where I got the information. I knew I had bookmarked it somewhere in the computer but couldn't find it to save my life. Anyhow, I found it this morning buried in one of...
Last post
Good read Butterbean, thanks for sharing. Funny how the best hams in the world are finished on acorns, but peanuts are not recommended. I guess it's all about the amount of oil in the peanuts.
- 1 Replies
Last post by DanMcG
Sat Dec 07, 2019 11:05
Collagen Casing Meat Adhesion
Replies: 1
Butterbean » Mon Nov 25, 2019 16:17
First post
Occasionally I've seen people having difficulties with mince not adhering to collagen casings and thought after seeing this I might share this to give food for thought in this matter.
I recently made a batch of snack sticks which required fermentation. Each day I would cut about three inches off a...
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Your're probably right about the myosin helping with the adhesion. I have also found that adding a small amount of milk or soy protein powder also helps in the meat adhering to the casing. Another reason for failed collagen casings is that they are not all the same. Anyone buying them should make...
- 1 Replies
Last post by redzed
Wed Nov 27, 2019 17:12
Hanna HI981036 Meat pH Tester
Replies: 3
redzed » Mon Nov 18, 2019 06:21
First post
Hanna recently released a new version of the HI981036 Meat pH Tester. This version has a ±0.05 pH accuracy, which is huge improvement over the previous version that had a ±0.2 pH accuracy. And the great thing is that the price of this unit is only $99 USD. So to all of you penny pinchers and slurry...
Last post
Good for you Stefan! Looks like this little tester is popular! I hope that they get a new supply so that you can review it for us.
- 3 Replies
Last post by redzed
Wed Nov 20, 2019 02:47
Red pepper/paprika powder negative effect on bind
Replies: 6
cashmkr2001 » Sun Oct 15, 2017 08:53
First post
Very often when I use red pepper (chorizo for example) this seems to negatively influence the bind. The sausage gets crumbly, fat renders out. It seems to be exclusive to red pepper powder, both mild and spicy. If I make a farce first in which I incorporate the spices, it's not so bad, but if I mix...
Last post
You want to stay around 1.5% (no more than 2%) by weight for pepper powders.
and 3.5% (no more than 4%) by weight for fresh or preserved/concentrated pepper pastes.
Not so much due to flavor, but due to texture issues if you go over (read crumbly, binding issues, etc)
I usually do 1% hot...
- 6 Replies
Last post by harleykids
Thu Oct 19, 2017 22:09
nitrite in brine
Replies: 2
jens49 » Tue Sep 26, 2017 20:43
First post
I have been investigating brines for cooked ham. A few of them recommend adding cure no. 1 to the cure after cooking the salt and spices first. Is there any science behind this? Would nitrite lose some of its curing abilities if cooked? I only have access to 0,6 % N in the salt I use.
Does anyone...
Last post
The reasoning behind cooking the brine is to ensure the salt is dissolved and to extract taste from added spices.
I have made ham using EQ, it turned out tasty, but a bit dry. Cooked it sous vide to IT 62 C.
Therefore I would like to try to inject with a brine of know strength and then use EQ to...
- 2 Replies
Last post by jens49
Wed Sep 27, 2017 17:53
Porcine Myology
Replies: 1
Chuckwagon » Wed Jul 10, 2013 07:09
First post
Porcine Myology
One of the slickest presentations I`ve ever seen, has been provided free of charge to us by the University Of Nebraska in Lincoln, Nebraska. These folks take their meats seriously and share their technology. Be sure to check out the following website. I`ve got it set to come up on...
Last post
That link no longer works, but here's a link to the 3D rotation. You can click on an section of the pig and then any part of the cross-section to get information on any specific muscle.
Be sure to check out the sections under the muscles drop-down menu as well as videos and sub-primals sections,...
- 1 Replies
Last post by MatterOne
Fri Sep 09, 2016 19:13
A long but wonderful journey
Replies: 19
Butterbean » Sun Jan 26, 2014 17:48
First post
You might recall about two years ago I started with a new batch of piglets that came from crossing a blue butt with a Yorkshire hog. Here are the cute critters.
Once they got to size they were given a good warm bath and a shave.
After this all sorts of things were made from blood sausage to...
Last post
The smoke kept the mold off for a good while but eventually mold did colonize the ham. After maybe a year I noticed some gnat-like flies around it so I painted the cut portion with lard and black pepper. This seemed to keep things in check for a while but eventually I just forgot about it and a...
- 19 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Sat Jun 11, 2016 07:43
poaching vs finishing in the smokehouse
Replies: 17
atcNick » Sat Oct 12, 2013 18:37
First post
Do you guys that smoke your sausage and then finish it by poaching notice any difference in the taste, smoke, overall quality or other characteristics vs. finishing them in the smokehouse?
Im considering the poaching method if it saves me some time, but not wanting to sacrifice anything.
Last post
When you are going to finish your sausage by poaching, the IT achieved during the smoking phase is really secondary. First dry your sausage in the smoker, dampers open (no smoke) at 100-110. Then smoke the sausage at 130-135 until it has taken on a nice and even colour. Depending on your smoker and...
- 17 Replies
Last post by redzed
Thu Jun 02, 2016 05:31
Listeria in Canadian Sausages
redzed » Thu Dec 18, 2014 00:28
In today's news we learned that sausages from a small Canadian producer are suspected with listeria contamination.
Canadians also remember 2008 outbreak where 12 people died after consuming listeria contaminated products from Maple Leaf Foods.
Listeria monocytogenes (commonly called Listeria)...
- 0 Replies
Last post by redzed
Thu Dec 18, 2014 00:28
An Overview of Nitrites and Nitrates
Replies: 1
Shuswap » Tue Dec 09, 2014 16:35
First post
This is an interesting read for beginners with more technical links included:
Last post
Was watching Jeopardy last night and was surprised to learn that Potassium Nitrate is used in many toothpastes as an abrasive. I didn't know that, neither did any of the contestants.
- 1 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Tue Dec 09, 2014 22:31
Testing Ph in Meat
Bob K » Fri Nov 28, 2014 20:06
Some facts that sometimes defy logic-
Diluting 1 part meat to 10 parts (distilled, unionized) water will not measurably change the Ph.
The probes that pierce the meat are not the most accurate method.
Common method:
Measuring pH of Meat
Fermented Sausages and Post-rigor Muscle
1.Calibrate the...
- 0 Replies
Last post by Bob K
Fri Nov 28, 2014 20:06
Brining table
Replies: 1
Maxell » Wed Sep 24, 2014 16:50
First post
I do not know if it was already here:
If not, it might come in handy.
Author - Grandfather.
Last post
Thank-you !
- 1 Replies
Last post by cogboy
Wed Sep 24, 2014 23:33
On Getting It Right
Replies: 3
Shuswap » Tue Sep 09, 2014 15:52
First post
Malabar is a Canadian wholesale supplier to the meat processing and retail industries. It has a periodic newsletter and interesting resource library:
Malabar is HACCP certified (Hazard analysis and critical control points) and I didn`t know what that meant so I looked it up on Wikipedia. The...
Last post
Phil, our efforts to get ISO certified, back in the 90's, led us to codify all the old, outdated technology, mistakes and all, chiseled in stone. (That company is no longer in business, either. The competition innovated its way right around us.) Safety standards, yes. Standards for standards' sake,...
- 3 Replies
Last post by el Ducko
Tue Sep 09, 2014 23:57
Suddenly fresh sausage too salty!
Replies: 12
Thewitt » Sun Aug 17, 2014 04:52
First post
I've encountered a strange problem after making several tons of sausage....literally.
We make fresh sausage with a dozen or so different recipes. Volumes are high for a boutique shop, with both wholesale and retail account.
A couple of weeks ago I started getting complaints that several of the...
Last post
The new salt levels have been very well received and things are back on track again. Great! THAT's what is important.
One possibility that I dreamed up last night- - maybe a different size scoop is now used to load the salt. ...although you're probably weighing the ingredients. So much for that...
- 12 Replies
Last post by el Ducko
Tue Sep 09, 2014 13:54
Replies: 9
crustyo44 » Thu Sep 04, 2014 21:08
First post
I noticed that a local supplier in Victoria sells GDL ( Glucono Delta Lactone) as an additive in successful Salami making.
Many years ago I made Salamis with nothing but salt and spices.
Do we have any members that have used this additive successfully?
Google list it as a help to Athletes in...
Last post
Aha, now I know why you like that salami, but no garlic?! I made a picante finnocchiona salame recently, and love the stuff! With a bit of provolone, several glasses of primitivo, a good debate about whatever, and it does not get any better! I must have been Italian in my previous life! Thanks for...
- 9 Replies
Last post by redzed
Mon Sep 08, 2014 06:00
In learning to control capsicum heat
Replies: 7
grasshopper » Sun Jun 08, 2014 02:56
First post
In learning to control capsicum heat. Question! which would have more concentration in sausage, cayenne or red pepper flakes. Also what would be the formula for getting the right amount of heat percent wise for mild,moderate and heavy amount. Per pound or kilo. I have ruined some sausage in my...
Last post
Late to the party here, but test and taste is the only way. We do this between beaches of red pepper flakes as well as they can differ greatly.
Found this out the hard way after mixing 100kg using the recipe for an old batch, and having to double the meat to get back to what we intended!
- 7 Replies
Last post by Thewitt
Sun Aug 10, 2014 03:49
Is This Any Good?
Replies: 7
Krakowska » Tue Jul 22, 2014 17:37
First post
Made pepperoni a few weeks ago (Pepperoni, Powder Keg, Semi-Dry-Cured Quick, (Bactoferm™ FLC) In the refrigerator for all this time and in a paper bag. Went to cut off a hunk today and discovered this. About 10 days ago decided to wipe down pepperoni with some vinegar, just a touch of mold (barely...
Last post
Fred, that is incredible! Beautiful photos. I suppose lots of folks would expect the color to be a lot darker like the stuff you buy in the market. If you want the pepperoni darker, just add real Hungarian paprika to the mixture next time. Don't use Spanish paprika - it's too bitter. Use the real...
- 7 Replies
Last post by Chuckwagon
Thu Jul 24, 2014 08:34
first time coldsmoking sausage, dont want to kill wife and c
Replies: 24
slickric » Fri May 16, 2014 03:52
First post
hi guys, live in tampa (humid) and make sausage for fun (hotsmoke in cookshack smoker) but i really want to coldsmoke. i bought a fridge, drilled a hole in side, made smoke generator, and pipe smoke into fridge. i bought 2 small computer fans for fridge to dry (was going to put sausage on top shelf...
Last post
Topic Split by CW - 051914@2119 See Cold Smoker at the following link:
- 24 Replies
Last post by Chuckwagon
Tue May 20, 2014 04:19
PED Virus Spikes Pork Prices!
Replies: 1
Chuckwagon » Mon Apr 28, 2014 16:16
First post
In some areas, pork prices are at an all-time high of $3.83 a pound! :shock: Get ready for another spike in pork prices! Is anyone following the story of PED? It`s Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea and it`s a viral infection we can`t cure. It`s highly contagious and scientists are baffled. No one even...
Last post
When I was a kid we had a hog cholera scare in Connecticut. I just avoided other farms for the duration.
- 1 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Tue Apr 29, 2014 02:25
Meat in freezer?
Replies: 17
Blackriver » Wed Apr 16, 2014 23:17
First post
I have some cut up inside round ready for the grinder which has been vacuum sealed and frozen for almost a year. I was going to either make snack sticks or summer sausage with it. Would it still be good?
Last post
Chuck, I have seen the like of it, many times. With tears. I have also been to a local Pakistani restaurant where most of the patrons have no use for knife or fork, but use two fingers to scoop up everything, including rice and gravy! They hover their head a couple inches above the food and flip it...
- 17 Replies
Last post by Cabonaia
Sat Apr 26, 2014 16:40
Seasoning a roast
Replies: 1
ssorllih » Mon Apr 21, 2014 15:36
First post
Soon after I learned that there were some guidelines for seasoning sausage I started to apply them also to whole meat. I add salt and cure to my bacon and rolled butts at the rate of 2% salt and .25% cure #1. That works out just about right. So I started with split chicken and since I don't want my...
Last post
What? You served... mint jelly? Mint Jelly! :shock: What... Mint Jelly? :roll: What kind of a misguided, shave tail owl-hoot, would put mint jelly on good lamb? :mad: That's proof that some irresponsible Monkey-Ward mutton punchin`, mule-eared, on-the-dodge, prairie tenor fell off the quincy and...
- 1 Replies
Last post by Chuckwagon
Tue Apr 22, 2014 09:56
Removing Gamey Flavor In Duck Sausage
Replies: 7
sawhorseray » Tue Mar 18, 2014 15:38
First post
Rabid Duck! :twisted:
I just got this e-mail from a old hunting buddy:
Today at 7:31 AM
Real nice!
I'm ready to ups u some boned duck meat
Where do i send it?
Or are u coming this way soon?
Seems some folks shoot ducks! He wants me to make some duck sausage, I keep half for my efforts. I'll...
Last post
In Aus. our duck season is underway so have had some wild ducks to eat
lately after a successful hunt couple of weeks back.
Our family has always soaked whole duck and jointed rabbit in cold salty water
in the refrig. overnight to reduce the bloodiness and game flavour.
Seems to work quite...
- 7 Replies
Last post by Pete
Sat Apr 05, 2014 23:51
Advice About Pork Fat
Replies: 5
jscarbo » Sun Mar 09, 2014 13:29
First post
I'm still learning techniques and recipes and am going to make Italian sausage and bratwurst today. I went to my local butcher yesterday and bought the following meats:
3 kilos boneless pork shoulder, with fat cap attached
2 kilos hog jowl
2 kilos clean back fat
1 kilo veal
I haven't cut the meat...
Last post
Topic Split 031614@11:43 by CW. See :
- 5 Replies
Last post by Chuckwagon
Sun Mar 16, 2014 18:40
Findin' Yer (Pork) Butt
Replies: 22
jscarbo » Mon Mar 10, 2014 18:04
First post
Topic Was Split By CW On 031614@11:46 From The Following Link:
I'm not surprised that I'm paying more for better cuts of pork than in the US since we don't have the massive corn and soya production industry here and all of the prime materials for livestock feed have to be imported. Pigs here eat...
Last post
On the packs I bought last year where the roasts were stacked vertically on top of each other the bones were a lot different from each other, maybe one was a picnic, I don't know. These ones I just got are definitely the same thing, just a right and left shoulder. The picnic hams I smoked a couple...
- 22 Replies
Last post by sawhorseray
Sat Mar 15, 2014 22:53
Fresh Polish - garlic and color
Replies: 32
Krakowska » Sat Nov 17, 2012 15:32
First post
Been making fresh and smoked Polish for years (couple times a year 30/40 lbs). Gave a lot away to family and friends and have been thinking of selling (at cost) to a few neighbors just to pay expenses and pass the time. Need help on how to keep the color from going to a grey, unappealing color of...
Last post
I also appreciate the tip about nutmeg. I made brats as one of my first sausages a couple of weeks ago. Even though it called for fresh nutmeg, I used ground nutmeg because I was concerned about having too much nutmeg flavor.
Me too. Last week the neighbor's 2 dogs got 5 lbs of fresh sausage...
- 32 Replies
Last post by Shuswap
Sat Mar 08, 2014 17:59
Wine in sausage
Replies: 10
Bob K » Wed Feb 26, 2014 17:53
First post
This topic about alcohol in sausage was split 022814 @12:50 hrs by CW and is a continuation from this link:
Those really look good Chris!
I have always loved hunting C.Geese...but never cared for eating them. I wish I had tried sausage.
On the Alcohol that seems to be a problem with sausage...
Last post
This topic about alcohol in sausage was split 022814 @12:50 hrs by CW and is a continuation from this link:
Those really look good Chris!
I have always loved hunting C.Geese...but never cared for eating them. I wish I had tried sausage.
On the Alcohol that seems to be a problem with sausage...
- 10 Replies
Last post by checkerfred
Mon Mar 03, 2014 06:58
The end of naturally smoked meats in Europe
Replies: 13
redzed » Mon Jan 06, 2014 18:41
First post
New rules in the EU dramatically restrict the use of traditional wood smoke in flavouring meats.There is considerable panic in Poland as a large number of producers are not ready to undertake production under the new regulation.
The EU has determined that there are substantial health hazards in...
Last post
A large part of the problem is coming from the improvement if our technology. I was reading a report today that cited the arsenic levels in rice in excess of 100 parts per BILLION and that the consumption of more than four cups of rice per day was potentially harmful. They acknowledged that if your...
- 13 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Thu Jan 30, 2014 23:32
Food allergies
Replies: 3
ssorllih » Mon Jan 06, 2014 17:06
First post
I just received an email from a friend telling me that she had gone to a holiday dinner at a friend's home. The meat was roast turkey with a savory rub and some of the same spice blend used in the stuffing. This friend is quite sensitive to capsicum. She was fine during the meal, her husband is a...
Last post
...she had gone to a holiday dinner at a friend's home... spice blend... husband is a very fine chef and couldn't/didn't detect......having difficulty and spent several hours in the ER at the local hospital... It's amazing how sensitive people are to the most innocuous-seeming of ingredients. If...
- 3 Replies
Last post by el Ducko
Tue Jan 07, 2014 16:05
Replies: 21
Bubba » Thu Jan 05, 2012 02:00
First post
Just wanted to bring this topic up again, could someone please help with my question?
How do they keep the different cuts together (maintain the adhesion) after smoking?
Last post
Actually TG is not banned in EU:
Very trusted culinary source.
- 21 Replies
Last post by JerBear
Sat Jan 04, 2014 09:42
Sage Advise
Replies: 6
sawhorseray » Thu Dec 19, 2013 23:43
First post
Don't know if this is the right forum but I'm wondering if anyone can explain the difference between rubbed sage and ground sage. I haven't seen rubbed sage anywhere on a grocery store shelf. RAY
Last post
You can also make your own rubbed sage. Get some fresh sage and pull off the leaves and place them between two pieces of paper towel and microwave them until they crinkle up. Trial and error on the time it takes. Then remove from the microwave and rub the leaves between your fingers and you have...
- 6 Replies
Last post by ajwillsnet
Fri Dec 20, 2013 18:18
Level Of Dextrose In Recipe
Chuckwagon » Tue Dec 17, 2013 19:16
Our fellow member Rick has asked a great question that I believe I ought to share with others. He wrote to me:
CW, If my recipe has no call for sugar, and I'd like to add a culture to my sausage, what percentage of dextrose would I have to add, to feed the culture in order to get the best level of...
- 0 Replies
Last post by Chuckwagon
Tue Dec 17, 2013 19:16
Too much air in my sausages
Replies: 11
tdimler » Sun Oct 27, 2013 23:57
First post
I am looking for some suggestions here....the last batch of sausages I made ended up with too many air pockets between the meat and casing, as well as a few inside the sausages. Any ideas on the cause or a solution? Could it be from too coarse of a grind?
Last post
Might have been said but it sounds like your air is coming from the mince being too dry. Add water when grinding and mixing.
To link. Twist every other link - in same direction - I twisted away from me. This way you will finish twice as fast and all twists will be correct direction. When finished,...
- 11 Replies
Last post by Butterbean
Sun Dec 15, 2013 17:27
Help in making emulsified sausages
Replies: 5
Elad690 » Fri Nov 22, 2013 08:48
First post
Hi All,
today was my 4th attempet of making emulsified sausages and it
was also my 4th failure, I did everything by the book (I think...), i ground
the cold meat twice and sepertly from the fat, i used a powerfull food processor in a small batches, add the fat last and used ice cold water through...
Last post
Thank you all for your tips, i'll give
It another try soon and hopefully this try will
Be a succsess.
- 5 Replies
Last post by Elad690
Wed Nov 27, 2013 19:03
Cheddar Brat Question
Replies: 4
cat797 » Thu Nov 21, 2013 00:56
First post
Alright, don't crucify me, but the grocery store sells Johnsonville or Ekrich Farms Cheddar Brats and I want to make some that are similar........I know, but my wife only likes these kind.
I'm trying to determine how I should grind the meat, for example, fine, medium, or course grind? Grind once,...
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Thanks Tim, I appreciate the input. I like 'em too. What would we do without brats? :lol:
- 4 Replies
Last post by Chuckwagon
Fri Nov 22, 2013 04:57
Mixing One Cure With Another
Replies: 11
Chuckwagon » Tue May 08, 2012 08:23
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Our member and friend Nepas is a moderator of another forum and has asked a very important question that one of his members posted. As it surely concerns all of us, I am posting it for our members to read as well. Here's how I responded:
Hi Nepas, Nice to hear from you. Hope all is going well....
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Yeeeeoooooowwwwwww! We're in a duck nightmare! :shock: A herd of quackers!
- 11 Replies
Last post by Chuckwagon
Thu Oct 24, 2013 22:45
Using a fan to dry sausage casings?
Replies: 1
atcNick » Sun Oct 13, 2013 13:00
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Have any of you guys ever stuffed your sausage and hung it at room temperature to dry and maybe used a fan to speed up the drying process so you can put it in the smoke?
I did that on my last batch. The only difference I noticed was when the sausage was finished in the smokehouse the casings...
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I use a fan every time I'm going to smoke sausage, or anything where I want a pellicile to be formed, seems the casing always come out a little tough. I might try the poaching method again soon to see if that makes the casing end up a little softer. RAY
- 1 Replies
Last post by sawhorseray
Mon Oct 14, 2013 17:57
Pepperwood leaves for sausages?
markjass » Sun Oct 13, 2013 06:22
In New Zealand there is a shrub called a pepperwood, pepper leaf and horopito (Maori name). Its latin name is Pseudowintera colorata. The leafs colours are amazing and very depending on how much sun they get.
From Wikipedia (
Horopito leaves are used in cooking in a variety of ways. Horopito is...
- 0 Replies
Last post by markjass
Sun Oct 13, 2013 06:22
Hepatitis E Virus in Pork
Replies: 4
redzed » Tue Sep 17, 2013 07:58
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Here is an interesting and disturbing article from yesterday's British press.
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this is more likely to be a problem in commutated product than in whole muscle cuts. The vector seems to be fecal/intestinal.
- 4 Replies
Last post by ssorllih
Sun Sep 22, 2013 04:21
Question about sodium nitrate
Replies: 4
eastman17c » Wed Sep 04, 2013 07:21
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this my first post, I would like to ask if its true that cola should not be mixed with curing salt
because it will form a potentially lethal compound.
Last post
Eman, welcome to the forum! Do you grind and stuff? Do you smoke sausage? If so, how do you keep them lit? :lol: RAY
- 4 Replies
Last post by sawhorseray
Fri Sep 20, 2013 17:38
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