Although not sold universally, salmon snack sticks are not uncommon. I have seen them in stores in Alaska and Europe, and they are available from internet retailers. Trying to get a recipe is a different kettle of fish, and I could not find any credible formulations and instructions. Instead, I created my own, using ingredients that I like and often prepare cooked and smoked salmon with them. The taste of salmon is unique and very different than the popular white fishes. Some love it, others won't put a single morsel of it into their mouths. These snack sticks turned out quite well. Texture was essentially the same as meat sausages, and the sheep casings emit a nice snap when you bite into one. There is a mild sweetness and maple syrup flavour and the Hungarian hot paprika gives it a bit of heat. The sticks also paired well with a bottle of inexpensive rosé and manchego cheese. So if you like salmon, this recipe is worth a shot.

3kg of salmon bellies, tail and fillets from last season's catch. Chinook, Coho and Sockeye

Pieces were chilled and ground with the 7mm plate

Ingredients per 1kg of salmon: 12g non iodized salt; 1.5g Cure #1; 3g black pepper; 2g Hungarian hot paprika: 2g granulated garlic; 50ml Canadian maple syrup.

Stuffed into 22mm sheep casings and hung to set for 90minutes at room temp

Smoked for 2hours at a temp of 60C(140F) and for about an hour at 80C(175F), until the IT reached 63c(145)

Smoked sausage was dried for two days in garage at a temp of 8-10C(46-50C)

Snack time!