Kiełbasa z jeleniny - Venison sausage

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Kiełbasa z jeleniny - Venison sausage

Post by redzed » Fri Aug 30, 2024 06:46


Kiełbasa z jeleniny - Venison sausage
Here is another version of venison and pork Polish style sausage. There was still a pack of white tail deer meat in my freezer that needed to be processed. I mixed it with a pork butt and made very nice tasting kielbasa.
Lean venison, almost no connective tissue, no fat, 40%
Pork butt 40%
Pork back fat, 10%
Venison and pork trimmings with connective tissue, (Class III) 10%
Ingredients for 1kg
Non iodized salt, 17g
Cure #1, 2g
Pepper, coarse grind, 3g
Coriander, 1.5g
Fresh garlic, 6g
Juniper berries 2g
All spice, 1g
Sugar, 2g
100ml. water
Processing Instructions
1. Cube the venison and pork, keeping the different meatsseparate. Add the salt and #1 Cure to the cubed meat, mix well, pack into a container, cover, and refrigerate for 48-72 hours.
2. Grind the lean venison through the 6mm plate, the pork (butt and fat) through the 8mm plate and class III meats twice through the 3mm plate.
3. Toast the peppercorns, coriander seeds and the juniper berries and grind finely.
4. Take the Class III venison and add all the remaining spices and approximately 35% of the water. Mix and mix until you achieve a sticky and emulsion-like paste. Add this to the other ground meats and mix well. Add the rest of the water gradually as you mix.
5. Stuff into 32-34 mm hog casings. Twist into neat and uniform paired links approx 10inches(25cm) in length.
6. Condition the sausage overnight in fridge or up to two hours at room temperature.
7. Preheat your smoker to 160F(72C) or hotter, let it cool, and load your sausage into it. Open top and bottom dampers wide and warm sausage at 130F(54C) for one hour. Smoke for 3 hours at 135-145F (63-68C).
8. Finish by baking in the smoker at 180-185F(82-85C) until the internal temp reaches 160F(71C). Hang in ambient temp to bloom and cool, don't use water.
8. Hang sausage in a cool place overnight and then refrigerate. This sausage also tastes great semi-dry, so you can dry it for another 3 days in a cool place or in the fridge.
Previously posted in the FB group Polish Sausage Club

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Dave in AZ
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Re: Kiełbasa z jeleniny - Venison sausage

Post by Dave in AZ » Sun Sep 01, 2024 02:08

Looks great! I have the same things to use up, might give this one a try... the juniper and allspice are interesting.
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Re: Kiełbasa z jeleniny - Venison sausage

Post by bolepa » Sat Sep 07, 2024 17:28

Nice looking sausage and thank you for another great recipe, redzed! One quick question for you: I always was under impression that while smoking/cooking sausage the temp should not go above 170F. In your recipe the temp goes up to 185F. From what I learned so far this shoud cause fat out... Am I mistaken?
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Re: Kiełbasa z jeleniny - Venison sausage

Post by martin » Thu Nov 14, 2024 21:28

hi Redzed yours sausages are always smoked so nicely and evenly .What kind of smoker do you have , can you put some pics and details
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